Does it hurt to lose your virginity?

the first time you had sex.. did it hurt? Please answer in detail.

Answers:    it depends on whether your hymen have broken or not. Usually it gets broken naturally by using tampons, doing sport or horse riding. It hurts a touch.Take it slow and you will be fine. .
Well as a woman it did hurt a little when I first had enjoy to be comfortable and relax so that the pain isn't so bad. Which ability you have to be completely ready for sex. Always use condoms and it's better to catch on birth control which you do have to wait for that to be important. And it does hurt worse to have a kid than to have sex so build sure you are ready for all the consequences. and I have 8 lb babies not 7...I had a friend who had a little one that was over 10 lbs. Sex isn't something to go into delicately and it makes no one love you. It's something you do when both party are in love not lust. your first time will not be pleasurable but it does get better. It might hurt the first few times. Just be paid sure you take a deep breath previously he goes inside you.
It didnt hurt just put in the picture him to start off slowly so you get used to him.
It would sustain if he finge**d you a bit before he went inside of late in case you're really tight. Usually guys similar to tight spots. But, tight spots they can "get into". Hope I answered your question ;).
Yeah it hurt. You might bleed. Not every creature bleeds. Some people's Heymen are broken from doing other things like dance or sports. The more times you enjoy sex the better it will become and the less it will hurt. Letting yourself breathe and relax helps. it will probably hurt your first time if you are a women.

Your hyman will break your first time which could also effect a little bleeding. Each time after that it will get for a while better then no more pain, one and only pleasure.

Dont worry though, its normal..
it'll hurt cuz you're breaking the hymen , but using fingers first will trim down the pain . it's not the worst pain you'll ever get the impression . it's the best you'll ever feel . lol . and after that it just get better c[= didnt hurt me at all
although maybe its raison d`??tre i was relaxed and he 'loosened me up a bit' before he put it within.
and if it does hurt a bit just put it in a bit at a time thats what my friends did..
yes it did.. the one and only thing that you can do to make it hurt smaller number is for you and your partner to take it slow. Definitely it will hurt first time.
What hurts worse is pushing a 7 pound baby out, dawdle to have sex std's never go away! Just somewhat..
If your worried about that you should wait until you are prepared. No need to rush wait till your equipped and you will be fine

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