Someone plz ans this. i enjoy missed my length for 2 months very soon.pregnancy test shows refusal!?

i am 24 years old and married . i had my finishing period on may 25 but it was tremendously light it lasted for simply 2 days.i have gained lot of shipment in the past two months but my drinking habits have not changed at adjectives.
before may i had my period in march when i missed my spell in april i went to see the doc and he give me some medicines so i got my
time of year in may. i was on pregnancy control pill for 3 months end year april to june. but when i stopped the pill my periods were regular till march . i don't know whats happening. i hold taken home preg test twice and it came out refusal. also i feel bloated and have gas trouble lately. near has bee in a mild anguish in my breasts for the last one week.
along near weight gain i think my breasts enjoy become a bit bigger too. pls pls pls answer i am really worried abt this. has anyone else been through this? i enjoy never had this problem till a few months ago

Answers:    You could be pregnant. It also could be any number of things. The only style to know for sure is to consult your doctor and get some blood tests..
i recommend dance see a doctor because home pregnancy test don't always work. It could be stress.
A remarkably common cause of a missed term is not having ovulated that cycle. In a normal cycle, estrogen is produced adjectives month. Estrogen is responsible for building up the lining of your uterus so you have something to shed respectively month. In a normal cycle, progesterone production increases following ovulation.

Progesterone "stabilizes" the uterine lining within preparation for a possible implantation of a new pregnancy. If you are not pregnant that month the levels of estrogen and progesterone nose-dive, triggering the release of the uterine lining - your period. So, if you do not ovulate, the estrogen build up of the facing continues, but without the usual ovulation-associated progesterone. Thus, the hormone levels don't decline, and the inside layer stays up inside the uterus - your missed period.

If you have be several months without a period, a gynecologist may donate you some progesterone in a pill form (eg Provera 10 mg for 5 days). Within 48-72 hours after stopping the progesterone your "progesterone blood level" will fall, triggering the release of the pool liner that has been building up. Alternatively, the built-up pool liner may begin to shed under its own substance. Either way, women report that these periods are unbelievably heavy - as though several months of lining are shed.

Such flows can also be prolonged or hold a stop and start pattern. The reason for this erratic or prolonged bleeding is this: short the progesterone the lining does not have a verbs shed down to the base layer.

Causes for not ovulating are multifold: thyroid problems, pituitary problems, ovarian cysts, physical stressors (eg sudden increases contained by exercise, crash dieting), emotional stressors (problems with parents or boyfriends/girlfriends, exams), increased body counterbalance, anorexia, rotating shifts at work, etc.

If the bleeding persists you should contact your GYN or clinic. The bleeding can be stopped with hormones, and any possible cause of not ovulating assessed. Hopefully your cycle will reset itself.

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