Does it hurt to lose ur virginity?on a scramble of 1-10?

I need to know this!!1


Is it true that a woman have five sex spots?

It honestly barely hurt me...i be terrified before i have sex b/c i thought it would hurt so bad and i've heard of girls bleeding. I however, used tampons and some nation say that it stretches you out and causes you to "pop your cherry" but also depends on how big he is b/c the first time my current boyfriend and i have sex it kinda hurt b/c he is on the wider side. You should probably use lube the first time you have sex so it enters easier.hope i helped=] as far as 1-10 i'd utter my first time was like a 6

What is the best remedy for menstrual cramps?

It didn't hurt for me at adjectives. Just felt uncomfortable for something like a minute. Then it didn't hurt at all.
I don't use tampons, I hardly ever masterbate, but it still didn't hurt me. I didn't even bleed or anything.
It's different for everyone!

Smear assessment?

If you own never been penetrated before yes. It adjectives depends on the guy and what he does to make it enjoyable for you. Need to stir very slow, and be very lubricated the first time. Or else it can be a 7 as far as seriously of pain. But oh boy after the first time WOW!

Why do women draw from cravings for sweet things around menstruation?


I dont think it did that much. I be drunk mind. But still it was about a 2. It really didnt hurt atall. =] xxx

When you're 14 and hold a B-cup, is the nipple supposed to be contained by the middle or effective the bottom?

Yes closely. Worse than child birth. After which you must go to the hospital to stop the bleeding. Pain- 11

How can i grain resembling a feminine and sexy again and not a short time ago a mum?

Seriously, it varies from woman to woman!

Mine be a ZERO

A quiz nearly breasts?

Kyle. Your not supposed to take it from behind...! Unless you approaching it that way...!

Weird cross-question alert! Is it bad/unhealthy to budge lacking underwear?

How do you weigh up your breast size?
Does anyone know the difference surrounded by benefits to uterine HTA as unwilling Cryoblation?
How do i know if i inevitability a bra?
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