Do any of you women hold the hidden?

Do you know any secrets to help bring your extent on or how to make it go away faster?

Sex isn't working to bring it on, as it usually does. I am not on birth control and do not want to resort to using the pill to control things.

I own had several occassions where I obligation it to come early or go away hasty due to special occassions, events, etc...Does anyone have any sensible and logical suggestions.

Smart *$$ answers really aren't needed.

Question something like "white inoperative pills" contained by my bc pack?

The doctor can give you short permanent status medication to alter your cycle...if for instance you are getting married, and it really doesn't muck you about too much. My daughter has used this method a few times very soon, with no ill effect. Ask for more info from your doctor.

My tummy keep bloating even though im only 7 weeks pregnant, what does this show? im a bit worried?

I would suggest that you permit nature take it's course, here are times when we women don't want to come on etc for various reasons but i wouldn't suggest the pill any, it will mess up your whole cycle and when you want to have a usual period, you won't have one and if you don't hold kids, it might upset that too. I say that you should just agree to things flow naturally, o.b's are perfect for swimming, dance etc you name it and noone would know that you were on your time of year. it can't be that bad.

A ask roughly speaking PMS and food?

Nothing has ever really help me with this, but I was other told by my grandmother that if you take a laxitive it helps to bring it on. And also, if you use tampons during your spell it will go away faster. Truth to this I am not sure. Also, I know that exercise helps to maintain a regular period also.

You could always find the birth control shot that will stop your period for a while, but that to me is unatural.

*Girlfriend the best bet is to just tolerate nature take its course when it is time. This is the time that our bodies are cleansing.

Good Luck!

Women singular please!?

Well my interval only lasts for 2 ta 3 days, and im not on anything, but my friend is taking this one kinda birth control pill and it make her period go away, you could try that, simply go to your doctor and tell him that you want somthing resembling that... :-D

Are alot of women self conscoius something like their breasts?

Apparently drinking parsley tea can help bring on a period sooner. And also taking dignified doses of Vitamin C. Look it up on the net there is some information here. Not sure how safe the Vitamin C is but parsley tea should be fine. Read up on it first though.

PMS or Ovulation Cramps?

no...I hate it when my period is on... i'd rather do without it... But i find that whenever I start to carry these little weird feelings within my tummy and in my back... if i pilfer a nice long hot bath...within the subsequent couple hours of me doing that it comes. but the downfall on that one is that they normally be really heavy... and i can never purely make them go away... mine as a rule go away within 3-4 days of it coming on

Ok ladies, I am going friday to my first once a year appointment.?

The hush-hush is not a secret anymore/// ok so to let your time go faster is to drink alot of cold drinks... I usually eat rime..
that helps me.. and be sure to go to the bathroom regularly and make over your pad so it doesnt overflow and keeps coming out.

Why is my interval so slow?

I imagine the only way to do to be precise to go on the pill sorry. Or I guess you could become so skinny that you lose your period adjectives together (although I would NOT recommend that way!)

Three nipples is that everyday??

honestly to make it jump away faster you can try taking that birth control pill call Loestren or something like that. its supposed to build your period shorter because other than that, mother quality will run its usual course

Whats arranged near my body?

Sorry the only one I know is the Birth control. It works really good for that. Other than using drugs, ithink the intuitive way will just come up naturally and when it wants too.


Microgynon 30.Some days i purloin the pill at 8 am, othersat 10 /11 am because of my shifts. Am i protected?

lol I thought this be a Victoria Secret question LMAO, I find that when I exercise about 30-60min it comes faster (seems to anyways) and I hold irregular periods.

Is it a FACT that?

Nope... don't know any secrets. I basically let Mother Nature take it's course. I feel Mother Nature does a wonderful job naturally and doesn't entail human intervention.

Click here...?

Not really sure there is away sorry. The pill can change your time of year but appart from that Im not really sure.

So if I miss 1 month of my term and I am not within Birth control to be precise not regular?

let the nature do the charge.patience.

Is it adjectives to experience break-through bleeding on the Pill?

No not to make it faster but a moment ago be patient.

My Husband lately have surgery, and is currently taking Pain Killers. Is it lethal to try and conceive?


Anal sex?

as far as i know... if you're not on contraception there is NO method of controlling it?


Unhealthy to in haste while on your time of year?
Pap smear and inner labia piercing?!?!?
Virginity sustain!!?
  • Washable pad?!?!?
  • Pubic Hair Question?

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