Depo shot??

well i got a depo shot in the order of a month ago my period came sunday the 13 and i still hold it well not heavy but lantern is that normal

Is this mundane?

I'm sorry to say that I also have an idea that Depo is terrible. Irregular bleeding is the least of your concerns. Some women bleed for 3 months straight on Depo. I hold a friend who gained 60 lbs on it and has suffered focal depression from only being on it 6 months. There are much more serious side effects though next to this shot and you should read up about them. There are many lawsuits going on against Depo's manufacturer because of complications associated with Depo.

Most doctors in the US once in a while recommend or administer Depo nowadays.

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yes it is very mundane. Ive had a lot of experience beside the depo shot! It can be a blessing but it can also be a pain. Sometimes you have you extent for a while and other times you dont have one at all. It can be pale and heavy. Dont worry more or less it. Eventually it you period starts to regulate itself again just contribute it time.

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I was on Depo for about 7 years and period were scarce...
when I first started the shot it was indigestible then it started decreasing...the ONLY side effect I had be missed periods because of no lining shedding and WEIGHT GAIN...uh I insufferable that I got off of that shot and husband get a vesectomy...but ya its ok to still be spotting somewhat have you been on it long?

I used to be really damp adjectives the time.. and immediately im not just about ever..Whats wrong?

yeah i agree next to M&P i am on the shot right now took it on feb 13 but getting off of it this month as i do not similar to the side effects bleeding on an off is one of them i mostly spotted only i enjoy had my period perchance once only and very restrained yeah your reaction is normal it may workl perfect for you but who knows for me it was ok but i hold gain to much weight and bad mood swings majority of the things i own read are negative but i have read some positive results on some population it seem that they had honourable experiences we are all diffent and our body react diffrent to diffrent hormons

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I be on the depo shot when I was in my rash teens. I do not remember any long periods but i gain weight the entire time I was on depo. You obligation to call your doctor right away and ask if this is a normal item. Good luck

Miscarriage or lately a clot?

it been more then a week sometimes these types of birthcontrol mess up your cycle.
you should read more in the order of the shot and its side effects.
i didn't like what i herd and read something like it so i got off of it, it messes you up.

Is this implanataion bleeding, or only my time of year (and me purely one paraniod)?

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