Copper IUD?

I am looking at getting one of these (I have risk factors for the hormonal Mirena IUD). Does anyone hold any personal experience with the copper one? It seems similar to everyone I know has the Mirena instead.

Still no time and its be close to 4-5 months?

I have the copper IUD and haven't have any problems with it. When I had it inserted it feel about the same as a pap smear. Had some mild cramping the rest of the time and the following day but Advil helped greatly. The copper IUD can cause you to have heavier period and more cramping during your period, but since I have immense periods to begin next to I haven't really noticed any change. I also haven't have and more or less cramps than I used to, but everyone is different so everyone's body reacts differently. But I will say aloud that, for me, it's been one of the best decisions I've made. Definitely worth conversation to your doctor about.

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