Brownish discharge, could i be pregnant?

today i started noticing a brownish colored discharge whenever i went to the bathroom. Normally this doesnt ensue before my period. I am supposed to start my time of year in exactly one week, on the 12th. Is this normal for some population to get a brownish discharge a week before their length, or could i be pregnant? I dont have any other symptoms of being pregnant, i did achieve really sick yesterday, but at the same time theres a 24 hour bug going around my entire work, so i thought thats what it had to do near,and then today i dont feel sick anymore, but in a minute im starting this brownish discharge, does it happen with anyone else a week until that time your period?

Answers:    yes you could be pregnant,if so then the discharge could be implantation bleed(implatation of fertilised egg) and so if this disapears and you dont acquire your period then do a pregnancy try-out,if this gets heavier i doubt its pregnancy,it just could be an irregular/wierd term or becuase of hormone fluctuations,such as the pill and diet etc!
i hope this helped
goodluck x.
It's normal to sometimes bring that brownish spotting before your period. Don't stress, skulk a week and see if it comes on time. I am sure it will! periods will never other be regular, maybe its an infection. and depends if you had sex in need protection..
i doubt pregnancy includes brownish discharge
i suggest a doctor's appointment will be most apt your starting your period a little impulsive, it happend to meh once (y) x'.
Your not pregnant. It is just old blood from your extent. Your fine.

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