Break through bleeding on yaz, should i stop taking it?

i tried to skip my period by skipping the placebos. well, it didnt work. i've be experiencing break through bleeding every day for over a week.

if i stop taking the yaz, will i stop bleeding?

this is quite an inconvenience. i don't own sex every day, so im not worried about getting pregnant. i only want this bleeding to stop.

i dont want to have to go adjectives the way through my pack, because that's like another 2 weeks.

HELP please!

ps- i also want to quit yaz because my sex drive is gone. if i lately stop taking it, will i be back to normal next to no break through bleeding?!

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It's quite normal for the first four months to experience break through bleeding, regardless if you tried skipping your time of year. However, if you are on a birth control pill and just stop it, you will usually get your spell in three to four days after stopping. If you want to stop the Yaz, I would wait until you finish that pack.

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No, breakthrough bleeding is adjectives on any form of oral contraceptive. I had this problem also, finish the pack then skulk until your period completely stops, and then start on the Sunday after your interval. It appears that you don't like having period, if you start your new pills on the week of you sugar pills, you will not have a interval. Try it. Note: Yaz was terrible for me the different plane of hormones actually made me more moodier, I suggest you try a pill with one hormone plane, if you are experiencing side effects. Also, try not to miss pills, if you miss a dose you will experience some bleeding. Yes, your sex drive will come back give it around a month (been there) I hate Yaz! I'm on Levorta ( maybe misspelled), own no side effects.

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try a different birth control.

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