okay. this is weird, so beware, please turn back if you are going to read aloud something mean.
alright! here it goes. okay very well im 13, and just got my term in early june. until that time and after i have had this "stuff" come out onto my underwear..and i transmute my underwear really frequently. i was wondering why so i look at myself down there within the mirror. i noticed that i have white stuff within my "vag. hole" what is it?!?!?! i dont use that "douche" thing so should i start? THANKS FOR THE HELP=]

Answers:    No need to douche - that white stuff is average - it means you are healthy. Most of us wear liner in our panties if its making us really wet - afterwards you dont have to change so much. Its usually worse mid month and in close proximity your period. You will find some days you have almost not any - thats all normal and only just part of being a girl..
Your vagina does instinctively produce a white discharge. Sometimes it's thin, sometimes thick. However, a sticky discharge may also indicate a yeast infection. If there is an odor and if you itch, it's likely a yeast infection. They are not singular. There are over-the-counter medications for it. Some people get through yogurt for a week or so instead. The yogurt cultures help your body reset the normal microbes in your body. So, nothing is atypical. It's just part of human being a girl. Welcome to womanhood! :) Don't worry its very vastly normal every girl has it and it mechanism you will get your period soon and I only just recently ended my first one and resembling a week before I got it I have very heavy discharge that leak through my pants for that whole week, but I have discharge for like 6 months before I get it but everyone is different it can go from 6 months to 2 years of discharge before you return with your period but I'm only 11, 12 contained by a couple of months!!.
I have had the white stuff beforehand and I think it is a normal article for women, but if it happens all the time and have a bad smell you should probably go to the doctor in the order of it. As for douching. I don't think it's a very obedient idea, I have hear it was dangerous for your body. I hope I could serve you feel a little better It's discharge. It's totally everyday! So don't freak out. >^.^<

Don't use a douche. It's actually dangerous and it un-balances the microbes in the vag. Sorry if that was TMI. I own a problem with that sometimes. Ha ha.

But yeah, you're totally normal. I catch it too..
the white stuff is normal. its just discharge. i wouldnt preserve changing your underwear, as you will run out soon! you can either in recent times deal with it within your undies and keep wiping it sour, if its not dry, or wear pantiliners. Some discharge is normal. If you have big amounts, it looks like cottage cheese, and itching you should tell your mom and grasp to the doctor..
It's probably just discharge which is normal. DO NOT douche it is ailing. It washes out good germs that you need to fight bad the bad bacteria. capably that happens to everybody i think but that happen to me but thats normal for a girl,and i think u should use it polite luck
thats ur vaginal fluid its normal to have that
but if your not really sure roughly speaking it ask your mom about it but if you dnt feel comfterble give or take a few ask ur skool nurse It's just discharge .
Just use underwear protector its like pad but way thinner and keeps you dry so yahh.
it's probably discharge Normal...wear a minipad if it bothers you.
you want to talk to you mom. Sounds like you own a yeast infection. Go talk to her NOW. Its nothing you did wrong or will receive in trouble for. You need meds though. Go gossip to her.

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