Any Christians or populace of other religions, what are your mood on masturbation?

I've noticed a lot of relatives on here discussing masturbation, and I'm not sure what I think of it myself as I am a Christian, and believe in staying a virgin until matrimonial. So, what do other Christians on here think? Is masturbation sinful, or from a non religious point of view does it count as sex? BTW i'm not judge anyone here and dnt wanna start an argument, whatever anyone believes I will respect. :)

Answers:    I'm a Christian. Masturbation is totally NORMAL. What Jesus tells us in the region of is lusting after other people...that is adultury (wether married or not married yet). So our Pastor's (who verbalize about this sort of thing ALL the time!) counsel us to not lust while masturbating. So no porn, no thinking of the hottie you saw down the recent times concentrating on the feeling of it, not picturing other people. .
Masturbation is never specifically mentioned surrounded by the Bible, unless you count the verse about not spilling your pip.

My youth pastor once gave the analysis that God gave you the payment of pleasure and wants you to experience it, but the sinful thoughts that accompany masturbation are what make it a sin. Lust is one of the seven deadlies, after all.

So...yeah. I agree with him. I believe the deed itself is not a sin, but lustful thoughts are sinful..
whether other people say its okay or not, its irrelavant as you should be dependent on what God think
there is a lot of passage in the bible regarding sexual wantonness and how it is wrong
it says that your as a christian your body is a temple filled near the holy spirit - we shouldnt be immoral in anyway because it is disrespectful to our bodies and to God

its a great deal to consider and not what we want to hear as selfish humans, but we shouldnt conform to the sinfullness of this world

i challenge you to not masturbate

i hope this help.
honestly i'm not sure. i consider myself a christian and i never really thought about it. ive master-bated before and i've never feel guilty but now that you mention it i never heard of it mortal bad or good. i judge if anything it might me bad =/ cause it's considered a lustfull perform right? i'm curious too! Everybody does it, no matter what their sex or religion, even if they say that they don't, since it is a mundane, harmless and physiological activity. The problem is various religions thrive by instilling unnecessary guilt about this normal manner..
The local R/C priest ad vise's this is the devil trying to tempt you ! and when asked what to do when temptation is too much the reply be the cold shower is the answer .coming through puberty temptation was that impossible that now when i'm out in the rainfall i get a HARD--ON????? . if you're of the female type which as a guess you is later flicking the BEAN don't hurt anyone but yourself if you do it to HARD ! I'm a Christian and yes masturbation is a sin. I masturbate though, I don't agree with it being a sin, and I get the impression that it shouldn't count as sex. It's up to the person though..
taking showers used to be a bore,
now they're not boring anymore
Cuz the shower situation stimulates my masterbation
And I found my inspiration within the shower


I wouldn't consider it to count as sex but I'm not religious so I don't really give it much thought.I just jump ahead and do it!! I feel quite in no doubt masturbation is OK, assuming your at home and not on a crowded subway..
it's not sinful if it's by yourself and not by another it ok which came first - masturbation or religion?.
Just don't let the Priest do it to you. I love it.
I close to it I LOVE IT

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