When should I expect my subsequent spell?
Answers: Well, if you enjoy an "average" cycle, then you can expect to start about every 28 days or so, which would tight that your next period would start around Aug. 30. HOWEVER, since this is your first extent ever, you have to be prepared that they will probably not be regular for awhile. You might have start it on Aug. 30 or you might skip it for 6 months.
You probably won't own a cycle that is LESS than 28 days, so I would just count 28 days from when your end period started. When you hit Day 29, then start watching for your interval any day .. but don't be alarmed if you don't get it right after!
Day 1 is the day your period starts. That's when you start counting. If you own an "average" cycle, then your period will start again on Day 29, but you'll give the name it "Day 1" if your period starts. If your period doesn't start, next you'll just keep counting (if you want to). Eventually, whenever your interval starts, that will be Day 1 again. And just so you know, (around) Day 14 is when you ovulate (on average), so that is when you are most fertile and most promising to get pregnant. You probably don't need this info right in a minute, but it's good to know for later..
if that be you first period you might not get it subsequent month. i didnt get regular periods the first couple months.dawdle untill you feel bloated or have some small cramps. when that happen your next period wont be far away. You might not find your next one for weeks, months, or years! You could be irregular for a while.
Its usually every 25-35 days. The average is 28 days.