I get my time of year twice this month.?

i got my period twice this month whats going on? my stir level has changed since its gotten stove. i have been stressed beside school and my sister's kids fighting. and abundantly of stress has gone since i broke up with my boyfriend. and i hold been sexually active. what could be going on?

I hold awful cramps and bleeding really really fatty. my dr think it's endometriosis.?


I have my menstruation and it be pretty run of the mill but i have my menstruation again after a week. what's wrong?

It is probably simply a hormonal imbalance due to stress. It is possible for a woman to get her extent twice in the same month.
Just relax and don't stress too much, you should be fine!

I missed my interval and own be sensation sick surrounded by the mornings but haven't have sex near my boyfriend. Confused!

What are the symptoms of a time of year?? I haven't gotten mine on the other hand...?
How do you...?
Is this run of the mill?
  • Shaving Pubic Hair?
  • Gone on the pill, sex have become sensitive and bleeding alot.?

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