Correct weightiness?

13 years old
87 pounds?

Is that a healthy weigth

I involve to do an on-line class for my WIC and i don't know what the website is?I live surrounded by St. Clair County IL

if you suggest your healthy, you are. If you think you are overweight ( which you DEFINITELY not) you shouldn't dance on a diet but eat better and work out a little more. Going on diets at a childish age messes with your body system.
all and adjectives, you are tottally healthy.

I bring back profusely of discharge every single light of day i've have my term for 2 years and the discharge is clear! Help!

Apparently your BMI is 17.5, suggesting you are a little underweight. However, the division I used didn't take age into consideration, and that is a contributing factor. As long as you don't try and lose any counterbalance any time soon, it sounds fine. It's more important to be healthy than the correct immensity, some people are just intrinsically underweight.

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You may maintain between 90 to 100 pounds (for a moderate frame).

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i hate u for individual that skinny but yes it os healthy :-) sry for the coment

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no,what do u eat nouns

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btw r u thinking that your too fat or too skinny??

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I havent gotten my time of year for 3 months and not preagnat!!?
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