GIRLS ONG YASMIN BIRTH CONTROL, can you make clear to me in the order of your experience near this?!?!?

side effects:

1) wieght gain? how much if you did and how tall and how much did you weigh before birth control and during?

2) did your skin clear up?

3) be you more emotional?

i also heard that some population have gotten facial hair??!?! (i dont want that!) did you??

any assistance will be great im really unfarmiliar with it so i want to know as much as possible!!

thank you ladies!

Why do women occasionally "lie it"?

1) I didn't gain weight. My appetite go down and I lost weight, which was going because I'd be trying to for months but I had no luck until then.

2) Yes. I still break out some. But unless I in recent times happen to get extremely stressed it solitary happens when I'm about to start my length.

3)For the first month I got really emotional but honestly nearby was little difference between before and after I go on Yasmin. You see I'd been having through emotional ups and downs before going on birth control. It be like a really bad grip of PMS every day of the month I could jump from self happy to crying my eyes out in approaching three minutes.

I didn't get facial hair and I don't believe my spike is growing faster or slower then before I started taking the pill.

The first month be the hardest for me. Of course as I've already stated I was rather touching. And for the first week I got dizziness and nausea. But honestly by the time I hit my inert pills I be doing great.

I was scared of Yasmin because I'd hear all the horror stories about it but I haven't experienced any of that. I awareness now, about month 4 I'd be on it, that my breasts and nipples can hurt, burn, or itch. Which all that had ever happen before was a moment or two bit of tenderness. But I can definitely thieve a few days of that compared to what I was having earlier which was crazy irregular cycles that could last from 25-45 days, mood swings close to you wouldn't believe, and I was breaking out constantly.

Seasonale placebo week?

Okay, this is going to scare you and it should. This should never be taken LIGHTLY! My mom have a serious stroke, SHE ENDED UP IN THE NICU! they had to go inside of her brain and try to break the clot up. this could own easily killed her! She be on the lowest dose possible. its called YAZ. One of my friends friend was taking this. she be twenty, she is now a vegtable because of this medication. just guess VERY SERIOUSLY before going on it. I am not joking!

My extent?

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