GIRLS: do you hold Interstitial Cystitis (I.C.) resting on Endometriosis and I.B.S.?
Answers: Hi, I too have adjectives three. i do believe there must be a connection of some sort. however i have no idea what it may be. i know endo can affect the bowel. i don't muse it's a coincidence. i'm certain there must be a nouns. I agree it may be an autoimmune/immune = allergic response. my endo is flared at this moment so, i cannot think too well. i will do some research and capture back when i feel better. you're not alone. lug care. kara ps the interstitial cystitis network may hold some info RE: your Q
I don't have any of thoes problems I'm sorry.
Last extent be 5 days behind due to stress, when will i capture my subsequent?
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