Could this be appendicitus?? HELP MEE?

For about 24 hours ive had a dull pain a little down and to the right of my belly button. I stayed home from school today because i feel nauseas. It hasnt been really bad but its unquestionably there. Could this be appendicitus?? And if not what else?? Please aid me im really scaredd!

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it could be i would at least call a doctor because it's much better for you if it doesn't burst. i wouldn't dawdle on it.

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Yes it could be with the symptoms you are describing...have you vomited and lost your appetite? Do you own a slight fever.have you be needing to urinate (pee) alot? Have you had any bowel change..such as...constipation or diarrhea...these also are signs of appendicitis...if you are still having pain contained by the lower right quadrant of your need to be see. Best go to your E.R.

ER/Med Lab 16 years.

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it could be your appendix or possibly your right ovary. If it isn't better by tomorrow get to the doctor. if could be energy threatening

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