Abdominal aching?

hi agian ,i've pain in my departed lower abdomin & i feel some smaal tough tissues or like a small round tissues,& wheni touch it hurts,i told my dr & she recommend me pelvis & abdomila ultrasound,i am little bit verbs about this ,wht kind of tissues is this.


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Abdominal/pelvic niggle that is similar to that of period cramping may indicate a problem within a reproductive organ (like the pain around your ovaries or uterus).

This includes conditions such as endometriosis (when tissue from the uterus is displaced to somewhere else like the pelvic wall or ovaries), uterine fibroids (thick band of muscular and fibrous tissue in the uterus), ovarian cysts, ovarian cancer (rare), or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) infection of the reproductive organs, usually from a sexually transmitted disease.

If you have misery in your ovary area, you might own an ovarian cyst. I have experienced that same type of pain whenever I own had an ovarian cyst. I was also diagnosed next to endometriosis last year which caused me severe pelvic niggle and intense and painful period cramping.

If a gynaecological defence cannot be found for the pain you are experiencing, then it could be a gastroenterology problem which could be cause by excessive gas, chronic constipation, viral gastroenteritis (stomach flu), IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome), heartburn or indigestion, gastroesophageal reflux, ulcers, cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder) with or lacking gallstones, appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix), diverticular disease, including inflammation of small pouches that form in the large intestines (diverticulitis), bowel hold-up (in addition to pain, this cause nausea, bloating, vomiting, and inability to pass gas or stool), food allergies, food poisoning (salmonella, shigella), hernia, kidney stones, UTI’s (urinary tract infections), pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) or dissecting abdominal aortic aneurysm (bleeding into the wall of the aorta).

Based on your symptoms and what you wrote, I would recommend that you should see your doctor/gynaecologist, and if nothing is found that you see a gastroenterologist a moment ago to rule out any serious GI causes.

Good luck :)

Guy problems ?

it could just be a cyst on an ovary or something approaching that. I wouldnt worry too much until you get the results subsidise or your going to worry yourself sick just turn have the ultrasound done see how it comes back. if you guess its something more than the result you got it is best to get a second feelings. Good luck

Does Nair work on pubes capably?

the provisional complain says it may be appedicitis
but for the mass it`s not frank appendix
or may be has oodles frequent attacks before of such inflammation may lead to appendicular mass
or if you own GIT problem troubles it may be a diverticulosis

What could it be?

Apendix mabey.. If it gets worse to a degree that you cannot stand the agony then its more likely to be your Apendix and you involve to have it removed a.s.a.p..

Besides pregnancy, what will exact an enlarged uterus?

it can be appendicitis. i think you should procure it checked out just in grip, to be on the safe side.

My wife have a problem near her foot ?

u better to go lower than ultra sound abd and pelvic then diagnose is uncomplicated.

What would appear if.?

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