Besides pregnancy, what will lead to an enlarged uterus?

My Doctor said that mine is 4 times as large as it should be. I had a bunch of diagostic test done last week and go wager on for the results this week. I'm definately not pregnant (I think you actually enjoy to DO something to get in that condition, don't you? LOL) I'm not sure if I might enjoy a fibroid causing the problem or not. I had an endometrial biopsy and it showed zilch out of the ordinary.
If nothing is found, I wonder if steroids would shrink it's size? It is cause some issues being this large, and I'd love to avoid surgery, especially a histerectomy if I can, Can taking prednisone shrink the uterus? Any other suggestions? (the biggest issues I have seem to own to do with prolapse problems.)

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An enlarged uterus is usually due to fibroids, infection, or endometriosis.Sometimes this can be normal, as it could simply be sitting high, but since you have other symptoms, this most credible isn't normal. Your doctor would need to do further evaluation, to determine the exact explanation. You can read more about fibroids here

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Fibroid, a tumour of some kind.
I have a hysteropexy surgery because I refused to have a hysterectomy myself, it did solve the prolapse problem, but you really cannot do any form of lifting for AGES, the longer you don't lift, the more chance it will stay within place. But they would have to do something about the swelling first. What they use depends on the raison d`??tre of the swelling.

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Sometimes it's just something that runs in family. All the women on my mother's side have enlarged uteruses, without in that being fibroids or polyps to start with.

As for treatment, it's tricky to know.

Please sustain.?

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