Vagina interview? (girls with the sole purpose please)?

I know it is normal to own hair down within, but it is normal to hold it on ur anus & around it? cause im confused to go to the OBGYN beside alot of hair everywhere. does anyone else hold hair on ur butthole? (lol sorry) and do doctors see that alot?? im disconcerted...

Answers:    Yes girl!! We do not want the fellows to know but various women are quite hirsute!! Trust me the OBGYN has see much worse! Don't be embarrassed - in recent times go ahead and see the doctor. And know that most adjectives women feel for a moment embarrassed when they move about for this type of check up anyway! The docs know this and are usually so very nice!! Good Luck!!
It is usual...alot of girls shave that area..(I intuitively do!)..especially before a doctor..or ANYONE is around or effective that area lol! im going to the gyno's within like 5 days. i own hair in attendance too. not alot but some. i didnt even consider the possibility of the doctor seeing my bum! eek
Well, I'm not a doctor... but I am a girl and I say yes, it's everyday and yes doctors see that and lord knows closely worse than that everyday. Please don'tbe embarrassed to shift to the OBGYN. I guarantee you they won't even mention it, unless you ask them about it and consequently they'll be so bland about it you'll contemplate you asked them what they had for dinner the darkness before. Really. I have a weird bump "down there" and be mortified to ask about it. I finally scraped up the courage and my doctor said it be a normal cyst. She told me adjectives about it and how I could capture rid of it if I wanted and it totally put me at alleviate. In fact, asking that cross-examine made it easier for me to talk to my doctor. Also, give attention to of it this way... the few minutes of uncomfortableness is worth making sure you don't hold any problems with that nouns. Good luck! And remember this when you go: Oprah once pointed out that we women tend to fold our underwear when we progress to the OBGYN. She wondered why we do it. It's not like the underwear police are coming thru. LOL! Ever since she said that, I notice I fold my underwear and hide it underneath my pants and shirt. Well, simply to be a rebel, this year, I didn't do it. I moved out my undies unfolded and right on top. I felt approaching such a liberated free spirit. My mom would have be horrified to learn I did that. Best section? No one even noticed! I integer they must see so much of all that it's adjectives business as usual! :-) Very normal. No worries.
you are completley middle-of-the-road. trust me, these doctors have see EVERYTHING and are not judging you, they're a moment ago doing their job. Don't be embarassed. Besides, your form is more important than your self-absorption and you should get a check up down within at least once a year. It will be over previously you know it and the doctor will never think twice give or take a few your hair. honourable luck. Yep-totally normal!

ITAINTME27!! Your answer be hysterical! I loved it! Thanks for giving an answer that was correct, supportive and funny!!
Yes, It is muffled normal. yeah that's regular. I used to wonder the same piece.. don't worry, you're not the one and only one :)
I should have taken your Girls simply warning. I will I hadn't read this :(

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