Plan b pill? i necessitate LOTS of answers please!!as several as i can obtain, i am so CONFUSED?

my last extent was Feb.1 so i be ovulating Feb 14th-17th i believe. I had unprotected sex on the 15th so my probability were high in getting pregnant. On the 16th i took the plan B morning after pill but i am worried it will not work because i am still ovulating (i think) Does the pill not work usually if you enjoy sex the day you be ovulating and you still took the pill 24 hours later?? What are my probability of the pill not working?? I know it PREVENTS ovulation. But what if you be already ovulating with you have sex and still may be?

Answers:    Plan B works by preventing ovulation or by preventing implantation of a fertilized egg. So if you hadn't already ovulated it may have prevented you from ovulating. Or you may own ovulated and if the egg was fertilized the Plan B may manufacture the lining of the uterus smaller number "welcome" to the egg and prevent implantation. You will not know for sure until you get your extent. or not.

You took the Plan B within 72 hours so the efficacy rate is close to 90%. The rates are base on when Plan B is taken in relation to when sex ocurred: in 72 hours to up to 5 days after. I haven't seen any rates given for Plan B man taken close to predicted pvulation dates. Sorry.
Plan B doesn't prevent ovulation, it prevents implantation.

Check out the source contact for more details.
You may also want to consider birth control if you're having unprotected sex.
you should enjoy been ovulating afterwards if your cycle is regular.
if you took the morning after pill then you are locked.
it has a elevated success rate so I would not be panic at all.
have unprotected sex is silly and i hope you will now variety sure it does not occur again and put yourself through the stress and anxiety again.
if the plan b didnt work after it didnt work. and i know it can take as little as 8 hours to conseve a child. so 24 hours can be to behind schedule. although i am not too sure if the pill kills the conseved egg or stops ovulatoin. but if your pregnent next you are. and you need to start thinking something like wat you might do. if you really dont want it then you should procure an abortion as soon as possible The next sunshine pill DOES NOT prevent ovulation, it prevents the egg (if fertilized) from attaching to your uterus. You have 72 hours to whip the pill after you had sex, and since you took it right after I cogitate you should be fine.

The question is, did you procure the real plan B pill or did you lift regular birth control pills?

Here's why: if you decide to filch regular birthcontrol, it works just as fine, but you involve to take 4 on in the future and 4 on the next daytime, or maybe 3 pills for 3 days (3 each).

You should be getting your spell in 3 or 4 days if it worked, and only to tranquilize you, if you start feeling cramps tomorrow or so, it's a great sign!
okay apparently, the plan b is like 89% efficient maybe even more if you whip it sooner. but it doesnt matter if you be ovulating, because the plan b pill makes you stop ovulating, or creates a stratum of mucus around the egg. you should be fine. [:

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