Is it precarious for women to hold laptop on chest (using laptop lying on back)?

Answers:    It has be proven that if u rest it on there for long period of time the radiation of the laptop can cause abiding cancers such as breast cancer but u would have to do this for years and it is exceedingly rare same if you sitting on the bench and u got it contained by your lap.

It have been proven but it is completely rare that it will crop up

Enjoy ya laptop
and i hope i helped
Not precarious as such, the manuals say aloud not to because it can cause over heat if the fan is blocked by clothing. Sometimes inhabitants get burns from their laptops. If you inevitability to have the laptop on you I would rest it on your legs while sitting up basically incase.
No it won't cause anything approaching breast cancer but you could be damaging your breast tissue depending on the mass of your laptop. haha... i cant see how you would be comfortable doing that, but as far as i'm aware, no its not.
unless its rather heavily built in which overnight case you may do tissue damage
Its Has Been Proved It Can Cause Certain Cancers But Only If You Rest It On The Same Place All The Time As It Gives Of Radiation Which Can Cause Cancer
Hope I Helped =] i dont have a sneaking suspicion that so.

but isnot it unconfortable?!
Completely safe.

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