My gf is bleeding at a time when it isnt her spell..?

I took her virginity 2 weeks ago when she was on her spell, she bled some from taking it like normal- but very soon two weeks later its similar to she is on her period adjectives over again and she is worried something is wrong with it common that after sex for first time a girl has her time at a differnt time?

Answers:    With the timing of the secondary bleeding, I am also forced to believe that it may be untimely signs of pregnancy.

The first-time bleeding usually starts and ends within a morning, unless the girl is very alive in sports or athletics (as this can verbs tearing the tissues, not allowing them to restore to health completely).

One of the first signs of pregnancy is light bleeding, as the ovum or egg is setting itself into the endometrial pool liner (womb). That comes 7-14 days after ovulation (which happens from the beginning to a few days after actual menstration ends).

I would ask her if she is feeling any other symptoms of pregnancy, such as nausea, tender breasts, or others, and go receive a pregnancy test.

I other tell my friends to avoid sex right around the term as it is the most fertile time for females (obviously).

In response to your other question in the order of marriage, yeah, if she is uber-christian, her parents might spawn it mandatory.
DOCTOR! Now! it could just be her term again, some times it happens 2 me and after it comes back again
if it doesnt stop inwardly a few days or so, take her the cnt hust can it?

theres probs zilch wrong at all though
She could be pregnant

I'd see a doctor.
TAKE HER TO THE DOCTOR! THIS IS NOT NORMAL.. If shes on birth control it might be that the hormones surrounded by the pills aren't strong enough and if she missed a pill that would throw her time totally off track. More potential I think its that when you have sex for the first time that the lining of her cervix be torn from the friction. Her gyno should take a look. If it is a split its not too big of a deal- the same article happened to me. The doctor will cauterize the wound and give an account her not to have sex until it heal

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