What is going on beside my body?
i haven't had my time in a few months, but i'm a virgin. i'm a bit concerned...is this something i should step see a doctor about? i basically want to make sure earlier i tell my mom just about it, cause i don't want to look completely stupid...
Answers: Sometimes its average for a lady, and sometimes it could be something else, resembling hormones and what not. You wouldnt look stupid talking to your mother give or take a few this at all. It could in actual fact be serious. So tell your mother, and see if you could shift to a doctor.
In young women, it's usually pretty regular for your period to make over a lot. If you haven't be having sex, prominently it's not pregnancy. I think it's worth seeing the doctor almost if you previously had a honestly regular period. It could be that at hand is a hormonal imbalance i.e. causing this. Hello chels . It is conventional . If you have doubt check near the doctor
Do you play sports or work out lots. This will definatly cause missed period. If so it is nothing to verbs about. But except I would go to mom and hold the girl talk. Well u have need of to see a Dr. with out medical history and what other things are going on similar to stress and working out and eating right you freight, etc. etc.