Am i pregnant??

okay well on april 20th me and my bf tried having sex, but because we have stoped for a yr i was kind of retiring and it made it so difficult for me to loosen up. so we ended up stoping after a while he did not finish on me we didnt even get close to finishing. (we both concluded up real hurt) so we didnt even thought about buying plan B pill. so next on the 24th i noticed that i would go pee abundantly. on the 27th we tried again and he finally got it all within and finish in me, but that same day hours after we go bought plan b and took it and 12 hrs ltr took the next one. So my question is i know pregnant women run pee a lot and i go more than twice an hour which is extremely abnormal for me bcuz i dont drink a lot of fluids. i know pregnant women walk pee but after the fetus is growing, but i want to know why? i thought maybe because of the pill, or is it because i got hurt really doomed to failure on the 20th. or why?? i just dont want a baby right presently..

Can you abet me near this birth control cross-question?

First if it hurt that bad for both of you it doesn't sound resembling you were very all right lubricated. That may have caused a yeast or bladder infection, but if you are urinating more after usual sounds it makes sense that it would be a bladder infection.

You and your boyfriend really need to try to rely on a more forceful birth control then Plan B though. Ejaculation does not have to go off in order for a woman to get hold of pregnant as pre-ejaculation fluid can also contain sperm. Aside from the possibility of pregnancy you are also opening yourself up to STDs especially if you are not well lubricated to get going with. Why not go to planned fatherliness for birth control and the local drugstore/grocery store for condoms instead of taking care of things after the fact, especially if, as you read aloud, you don't want a baby right now.

A pregnancy try-out won't help much at this point since it has individual been 10 days or so and your body will not have created plenty HCG in order for a pregnancy try-out to pick up on.

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Well why don't you just wait it out this may come across horrible but when you are able to take a pregnancy oral exam DO.

It Will give you a clearer answer.

If then you really don't wont to be pregnant budge to the hospital and talk it over with a nurse/doctor.

Hope this help.

P.s it may be a bruise on the pelvic bone. And the peeing could just be an infection.

Craving milk and enjoy be for around a week very soon?

you may have a bladder infection. That sounds more imagined than frequent urination from pregnancy this early, but I'm no doc. Pregnancy tests are cheap-get one. If you're not pregnant and you are still peeing adjectives the time, make an appt. with your doc. If you are pregnant manufacture an appt too.

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one of the first signs of pregnacy is that your breats get bigger and you nipples become darker. i assume you should wait it out if you dont start your period filch a test

Question for the ladies?

The reason pregnant women enjoy to go pee often is because the babe-in-arms has grown and is pushing against her bladder.

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