Could my unmarked relationship be cause my term to come untimely? Last month it be 3 days, this month 6.?

I had be pretty regular for about a year (always come within 2 days of expected date). During the later 3 months I started a new relationship (so manifestly I have alot more sex). I've hear that high stress can mete out early period to happen, but I've be stressed before and it never come early. could the two combined be cause it?

Answers:    Certainly can be. From my experience with other partner, if they're stressed and we're active, it can indeed throw their period a bit out of whack.

It shouldn't really be a problem, but if you are worried, go see your Doctor.
not sure. but if you are worried you should see your doctor. Not to verbs you, but I had a awfully similar problem, and ended up have a hysterectomy!!

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