How long after giving birth can a girl?

have her length? my son was born 5 weeks ago and i have completely stopped bleeding, and yesterday i started cramping followed by what seems to be my "period" i am soaking in the order of 6 pads contained by a 24 hour day. i am also breastfeeding. so any support or advice?

Answers:    you could enjoy very much already started your time already, even though your six weeks were not completely up.
when I have my son I found that when I bled even after the 6 weeks were up it be from doing too much too soon. My body needed to rest more. It is good that you are breastfeeding that will back slow you down so you can rest I wouldn't worry too much. I have the same piece happen beside my daughter and she was a full time nurser. I get my cycle back 3 months after have her. good luck Congratulations on your unknown baby! How recurrently do you breastfeed? Are you supplementing it with formula? Typically when a woman is breastfeeding and not supplementing the feedings, the hormones that are produced when nursing will do your period to be put on hold. The first extent you have after you donate birth will be a little wacky. This is commonplace. However, if you continue to soak 6 pad a day, hail as your ob doc. You could easily become anemic if this continues. Best of luck to you and your little one:-)

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