Should I win liposuction?

I gained mass on steroids. I've lost 50 pounds so far but I need to lose 80 more. Anyway, I've lost weightiness slowly and my skin on my arms is sagging horribly. It's simply getting worse, not better. I have stretch grades from my armpit to my elbow so even when I lose weight, I can't receive a tan or wear short sleeve shirts minus them showing. Chances are, I'll probably have to capture an arm lift anyway. I'm 16 but I'm pretty much done growing. I be wondering if I should get liposuction on my arms in a minute instead of waiting and letting my arms get worse and getting a more treacherous and expensive surgery with not as great results? I'm not a vain party who thinks there's something wrong beside every part of my body or anything. It's a short time ago that what's the point of losing weight if I can't even wear a short sleeved shirt? I already enjoy to have my breasts done (my breast bone pokes out and later my breasts start) so I might as well catch everything else fixed too, right? Excerise will not firm them up.

Answers:    I doubt you'd be able to find a credible doctor to do it at your age. You may have a sneaking suspicion that you're doing growing, but that's probably not true.
if you have alot of counterweight to lose, lipo will only brand you look worse. You will have LARGE amounts of baggy, wrinkly skin hanging that you inevitability to go rear and get "tapered" because of the freight loss. Lipo is mostly for people that don't enjoy alot of weight to lose (a pounchy stomach, slumped underarms, etc). good luck. Learn to love yourself. no

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