Do period come on impossible to tell apart light of day respectively month?

just right to be heard if you had your interval on the 1st of feb, would it come on the 1st of march? or round abouts that time?

Answers:    No, a regular monthly cycle would be 28 days - a moon cycle, from the start of one to the start of the subsequent.

Many women bleed with the moon if they are within tune with their bodies and temper - either full moon or menacing moon.

If women spend time together they often bleed together too so even if you arent due and you are right to be heard away for 2 weeks with a group of women you may still adjectives bleed together.

Different people own different timings - i often find i do 28 days afterwards 24 days, alternating each time.
it could ensue but not always within usually like 25 days apart... Week or so.
around roughly that time, periods are across the world 28 days not 1 month so if it was the 1st feb t would b 1st mar, consequently 29th mar...

but ur cycle may be longer than that so plot it on a diary
and see what ur days are going to be

no, cos peroids are designed to show up when its least convenient. No, you count within 28 day or 4 week cycles, although every woman is different.

When I be 16 and on the pill, my periods would other come on a Monday, during after-lunch English. I always have to remember to prepare beforehand ;-)
Every girl's period is different. Some are regular and other months your close to ?? If you just started your spell its never gona be the same for a long time. So the answer is No its not going to come exactly on the first. It Should come around that time. Mine is unnatural i get mine right at the extension of a month and going into the next lol. But idk if this help but i hope it does. Birth Control does help regulate. depends on how long your selective cycle is. Some women get it religiously every 28 days. It can selection from every 25 days or so to every 35 days soooo, since the months are different lengths, it doesn't other fall on like day of respectively month.
Periods come, on average, every 28 days, and so as months can have 28, 29, 30 or 31 days you can't count them from the 1st Jan to 1st Feb etc, you enjoy to count on 28 days from the start of the last extent. However, not everyone is as regular as this, it's just a guideline. Hope this help. no the months have different amounts of days , your cycle if regular is exactly that regular , your body dose not appreciate a calender month
Not always, depend on the woman or biological clock... Even depends on the lifestyle:-/ It depends on down your cycle the average length is 28 days so you have another term 28 days after the first day of your end period. it can be regulated by taking the contraceptive pill so that your interval comes at the same time every month eg on a Monday.
no, not other, it depends on your cycle, the average is 28 days but in reailty, it could be anything from every 3 weeks to god know when!! not usually they are normally between 25-28 days apart so it does move up or down a few days but it isn't usually far apart depending on the number of days within the month and the number between each cycle
No, they dont. Maybe close to the other woman said every week or so. yes, it generally comes something like the same time respectively month. but sometimes it cane be bad and "late" if you will. but it will (should) eventually come.
depends on how long ur monthly cycle lasts and how long ur extent lasts respectively month. with mine i couldn't narrate you as i stopped recordin it a couple years ago, but it used to always be untimely for me, only a few days, but other early, never on the dot and never late. made it rugged not knowing when it was comin, have to be prepared early lol a short time ago in satchel Its 4 weeks between peripods. not every month is exactly four weeks long so no, but it would probs be around the same time. Thats if you are blessed beside regularity. I on the other hand wasn't :( lol.
no never your time comes every 28days from the start of your last spell.
That is the 'norm'. However, everybodies cycle is yours may be also! it's not gonna come on the exact day but it will around in the region of that time.
like it say. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ lol every 28 days but they can be irregular lol mine are! x mine used to be the 1st of every month but as time passed they calmed down and come every 28days,which they should,if i were u ego keep arecord of when u come,read out on mobile calendar
maybe - respectively month has a different number of days and it would depend on how long your menstrual cycle is. Mine dntt ! im on every month tho but not other on the same sunshine
no well mine dont anyway

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