My time is 11 days delayed. Please, some counsel...?

My period is very soon 11 days late. There is no possible channel that I'm pregnant, as I have not have sex in over a year and have no other problems with my time since then. What could this be?!
I am getting massively worried and would really appreciate any serious, mature guidance.
I understand that stress may lead to this. But I haven't been lower than any unusual amount of stress lately, and even if stress were the rationale... is it possible to cause it to be this in arrears?

Thank you in credit =)

Answers:    a change within diet or a new friend near a very stale from your cycle cycle that youve been slack around with plentifully can really set you off symmetry
Yes, stress can even cause you to completely skip a term. Also, if you are excessively thin, that could also be the create of your being postponed. I would think more or less seeing your doctor soon. Not having a extent can be a symptom of a more serious underlying medical disorder. -other health condition must be cheked . 11days a time missing -- does not mean any malfunction in length phenomenon in a personality described as above --strees and temporary psychological condition does not affect much
Many things can produce you to have a overdue period...
-stress (like you said)
-rapid substance gain or loss
-hormonal imbalance
-excessive exercise
-change is consumption habits
-just getting rotten of the pill
-urinary tract infection
-vaginal infection
My advice would be to continue a few more days and if you still don't get your length...make an appointment near your never know what could be going on with your body...I wouldn't sweat it length has be late masses times and it turns out to be'll be of luck
Personally, my extent is always irregular. Being 11 days unsettled is almost 'normal' for me. If you're positive you're not pregnant and not critically underweight then I don't regard as you have anything to verbs about. But please see a doctor if you're worried more or less your health. She can lend a hand you more than we can! :]

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