What the heck is this? Need give a hand forthwith...really terrified...?

I was going on for to wipe after going pee when I noticed this long approaching white thing near a sort of ballish tiny clump at the end lifeless from my vagina. It looked like u no clear when u sneez and it be kinda like a string. It looked exactly resembling mucus. I am also sick right now beside a cold and fever. Could this be mucus? Or TSS? Or ovluation? PLEAS HELP! Thanks!

Answers:    Sometimes when you ovulate, your everyday discharge is more mucousy than it is generally. Totally mundane.
TSS is from wearing tampons for a long time. My advice is see a doc ASAP it might be zilch but just to be on the protected side. yeh thats just run of the mill vaginal discharge nothing to be worried almost i agree with answer abuv it get like this wen you ovulate
If you own any irritation I would get it checked out especially if it is and STD discharge..its what your vagina does to verbs itself out. just wipe it bad and youll be fine..not deadly, totally ordinary =)
ovulation, happens adjectives the time totally normal.. dont freak.. hang on to changing ur undies..
hold down there verbs .. :)

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