How adjectives are extraordinary pap smears?

I went for my check up after i have my baby and they did a pap and i in recent times found out it came rear abnormal, immediately im freaking out! how common is this?? im going tommorow to obtain it looked at what can i expect?? could it be cancer? any answers thanks!

Answers:    After a tot or not, abnormal paps are moderately common. However once you hold an abnormal pap, don't be surprised if your doc have you come back for another one two or three times a year. This is also typical if you follow up is normal.

I have polyps, they never amounted to anything but for five years, I was going for a pap twice a year. I be clear of the polyps for two years during this five year period.

Don't achieve too worried about this. If you procure your paps regular, at least if it is something, it can be caught vigorously.

An added note, the finishing time I had an exceptional pap, I to this day believe my doc be in a hurry and didn't 'take adequate tissue'. My next one and every one since have been fine.

Take a weighty breath and relax---let me know how you do.
I wouldn't be too worried about it. While I be pregnant I had mine done and it come back phenomenal. There wasn't much they could do since I was pregant, so I worried for approaching 6 months. After I had her they did another and it come back unexpected as well. So they have to do a scrape type article, I dont remember what it was call. It came rear legs and everything was fine. My Dr. said that it be all probably from the tot and the different things going on in my body. My friend also have abnormal ones adjectives the time and nothing have been wrong near her yet. Good Luck and try not to verbs. Very common. Abnormal paps are usually cause by HPV human papilloma virus, key word here is Virus. It is remarkably common and heaps people own it. There are multiple strains some that have virtually no adverse affects and some that grounds warts and some that result in cancer. The pap only detects that in attendance are abnormal cell that are not normally found surrounded by people minus the virus. So chill down a little till your find out what the problem is. Usually, if you procure checked annually, these problems are detected very rash before any problems own occured.
well it is adjectives and i'm not a doctor but i did work for a ob/gyn a few years back. anomalous means that they found squamous shaped cell... usually. most of the time its nothing you merely have to draw from rechecked more often for the subsequent year or so... however there is a possibility it could be worse. But it sort of common to carry an abnormal pap for alot of reason. including but not limited to lab errors and etc.. they will draw blood.. steal a look at your cervix and retest you with another pap. make conversation to your doctor and he will explain all your concerns Just get an abnormal pap myself solitary my doctor described it as "cellular changes". I have asked around give or take a few this and it is pretty common. It certainly DOES NOT mean cancer. It CAN but usually it doesn't. If you are getting checked annually, you shouldn't hold to worry.
First, congratulations on the child girl. I can't get anything but boys!
My best guidance is to not worry nearly this until you know more facts. To be honest, certainly next to any abnormal pap smear, nearby is always a possiblity of cancer. It is essential to know however that the majority of abnormal Pap smears do not result contained by a cancer diagnosis. Benign cellular changes are the most adjectives reason for remarkable Pap smears. I think you enjoy a big plus going for in that you be just underneath a doctor's vigilent eye while giving birth to that beautiful child girl. I think have he/she seen anything of concern, they would hold told you.

About 5% to 7% of pap smears produce abnormal results, such as dysplasia, possibly indicating a pre-cancerous condition. Although plentiful low grade cervical dysplasias spontaneously regress minus ever leading to cervical cancer, dysplasia can serve as an indication that increased vigilance is needed. Good luck.

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