Teenage Period Pains ! Help please !?

I hate anyone on my period .. Im 5foot 6 and wehigh exactly 6 stone.. im underweight for my age ..
How do i decline period pains and minister to my period not concluding long.. Help please

Answers:    Your period is individual as good or as unpromising as you make it.

Because of your age it is probably freshly down to hormonal imbalance as your body is maturing, it's unlikely to be something that carry on when you go into middle age. Although I'd suggest asking your mother or an older woman within your family to see if raw cramps happen to them very soon as adults, it's a good indiction of what you own to come (but you're not doomed to suffer). Trying to regulate your hormones would be a good conception, evening primrose oil taken on a daily basis will help.

First of adjectives try treating the problem yourself but if the pain continues to be a problem for you next go to the doctor to see if in that is a bigger problem involved - although be careful as masses doctors use hormonal birth control as a quick-fix rather than try to find and treat the problem, unluckily many women don't realize this happen until they come off hormonal birth control to own children and find the problem reoccurs often as a result of fertility problems that could hold been treat decades previously. Using hormonal birth control for menstrual problems is like using an atom-bomb to murder a fly, the possible side-effects are one thing, but also hormonal birth control suppresses your run of the mill menstrual cycle and covers up any problems, with the possibility of those problems coming backbone when you stop using birth control. In your teens it is very noteworthy you learn what is 'normal' for your menstrual cycle, this scheme you have a smaller randomness of unwanted pregnancy in the adjectives and you can spot infections or other problems easier - going on the pill or another hormonal method would suppress your cycle, thus stopping you learning something like your normal cycle.

There are a few things you can do to blanch your period, but when it comes down to it is not going to become vastly much lighter for you - that's not a bad point, the first thing I said is that period are only as honest or as bad as you receive them, a medium or even a unwieldy flow isn't a bad point, I myself loose around 12 times more blood than the average woman which is just fine, I build sure to take extra iron to build up for the blood loss and I use a menstrual cup that is similar to not having my length at all - that's not to read aloud I just forget in the region of it, remember periods are well-mannered things, it shows everything is healthy, it's nearby to help you hold children when you are older, it tell you that you're not unexpectedly pregnant, it is part of individual a woman and has be celebrated since women were first around!

For lightening your term the first thing is to clear sure your hormones are regular, if you're young that's gonna be a problem as you are still developing sexually and physically so hormones will be adjectives over the place, but as I mention evening primrose will help. Make sure you are in good health, if you have infections or STI's next these will affect your period, it is not purely sexual health any as stress during the month can result in heavier period, bad diet and nonspecific bad strength have through affects on your periods so craft sure you eat on form and take thoroughness of yourself. What menstrual products you use can have a big affect on your flow too, tampons enjoy a negative affect on your vaginal condition so can increase bleeding. You can try herbs similar to yarrow flowers (yarrow tea is a good one to try) or shepards purse used as a tincture, I'd recomend you look more at herbal methods as herb can be used for all sorts of great things to do next to your reproductive/menstrual/sexual health, I recomend the book Herbal Remedies for Women by Amanda Crawford if you can gain a hold of it at a library.

I'd suggest you look around yourself both online and in your local library for method to prevent menstrual cramps, as the more methods you look into the more you will find something that help you now, or that could give support to you in the adjectives. I'll give you few simple suggestions for you to try for both prevention and treatment;

o Clary Sage - Cure.

Clary sage essential grease, this is something you can find in any speciality store that sell essential oils. It essentially supports estrogen production and acting on the pituitary gland helps to regulate menstrual disorders and is adjectives during menopause, so it is good for PMS, menstrual dull pain, regulating menstruation, and well also sooth swollen breasts.
Usually when used for bumpy periods you use the essential grease of clary sage applied neat to your tummy and gently massage in, if it's too strong for you elegant, dilute it a little bit beside some vegetable oil.

o Cell-salts - pevention and cure.

Cell-salts are a raw mineral that your body needs for underlying functioning, if you are lacking within these then this can affect adjectives sorts of things in your body, you can clutch these daily to sustain prevent menstrual cramps all together or you can filch them when you get cramps upping the does every 5-10 minutes until the strain goes away. Wikipedia explains cell salt http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biochemic_c...

o Herbal teas - prevention and cure.

Herbal methods have be used for a very long time and are still popular, as powerfully as dealing with menstrual pains they can also be used for other menstrual problem such as PMS, reducing menstrual flow, inducing your period, reducing bloating and regulating your menstrual cycle, most herbs used for menstrual problems can minister to with broad menstrual health that will within turn also help your menstrual cramps.
Most of these can be bought surrounded by tea-bag form from health stores and supermarkets, some stores also stock 'women's blends' that are upright for all around women's condition, although fresh is best it can sometimes mean have to check how to best prepare the herb, it should also be noted that herbal teas should never be boiled as this affects the potency of the herb.
You may also want to check to see if you can use herbs if you suffer any vigour problems or if you are using hormonal birth control.
Herbs to use for menstrual cramps;
- Rasberry leaf
- Yarrow
- Lemon balm
- Black Haw
- Blessed thistle
- Camomile
- Wild marjoram
- Red raspberry
- Wild strawberry
- Valerian
- Blue cohosh
- Dong quai
More information on herbal treatments for menstrual problems - http://www.sisterzeus.com

o Don't use tampons - prevention and cure.

Tampons are highly bad for vaginal condition in that they prevent conventional vaginal cleaning, cause vaginal splitting and grant bacteria the best place to multiply, as well as this commercial brands contain chemicals that can interfear near vaginal pH, bad vaginal strength can lead to problems such as menstrual cramps. As okay as this tampons expand that can increase bloating that contributes to menstrual pains, many brands will also expand lengthways into your cervix adding together to cramping.
Information on tampon health issues from Spotsite - http://www.spotsite.org
Instead of using tampons switch to menstrual cups, as in good health as there other benifits over tampons menstrual cups are far safer than tampons and don't make happen cramping - most women who switch from tampons to cups find menstrual cramps and menstrual flow reduce - http://www.menstrualcups.org
If you do yearning to use tampons then use safer option such as organic cotton tampons Natracare http://www.natracare.com or sponge tampons close to Jade&Pearl http://jadeandpearl.com as these are made out of natural materials and do not contain chemicals so better for vaginal form.
If you use pads afterwards I'd suggest switching to organic cotton pad such as Natracare or Lunapads http://www.lunapads.com as although this will not help near menstrual cramps because they are natural and do not contain chemicals it money that they are far more comfortable so can make a huge difference for women next to menstrual problems such as menstrual cramps.

o Diet - prevention.

Avoid salty foods and alcohol as these can increase boating by retaining marine as well as making you discern sluggish that can make time of year pains worse, drinking a lot of wet can help you avoid bloating as very well as helps beside migraines and headaches brought on by menstruation - adding together lemon juice to the hose down will also help as this is a unprocessed diuretic.
Eat a lot of greens this will relieve improve standard health as ably as give you a pick-me-up during menstruation.
Avoid foods such as dairy and caffeine as these can inflict a lot of problems for race particularly during menstruation when they can increase menstrual cramps for plentifully of people - soy is also one that you should avoid as this is infamous for causing menstrual pains.
It may be worth taking a food alergy test/food intolerance experiment because any foods causing problems beside your body on the whole can surrounded by turn affect menstruation and your menstrual cycle - this can be expensive, but keep an eye out for some condition stores that will from time to time offer free trialling.
Increase your intake of magnesium, calcium, and potassium, also couple with zinc to assist your body absorb these easier - these are adjectives things needed by your body to help the uterus inside layer shed - also Omega 3 & 6, Multi B with big B6 and B13, vitamin E is also a good anti-inflammatory.

o Take up yoga - cure.

Yoga is a incredibly good exercise tip because as very well as being placid exercise it also has stretching that can backing even further, yoga poses that stretch the abdomen - resembling upward dog are of great help.
Breathing exercises are also fragment of yoga and good as a common idea to back with menstrual cramps, some those find this a little strange, that breathing is something we do essentially anyway, however we often get hold of out of practice and taking the time to understand how your body moves as you breath and mental exercise can oblige calm you down.
Try the book 'Yoga for a strength menstrual cycle' by Linda Sparrowe and Patricia Walden, or there are seriously of online information
Get into the habit of ingestion more and your periods will become typical. well theres birth control but theres serious risk for that ask your doctor i promise it wont be that embarressing i did it
Umm, what does 6 stone tight? 60 pounds? i just turned 14 and i'm just about 90 pounds. but around 5 foot 2-4 inches. I got my term over the summer, and trust me, lots of weird things ensue.

you might get cold out of nowhere, you start shivering, and the best item for that is to return with out and lay in the sunshine [BEST CHOICE TRUST ME!] or close to heat. if you draw from cramps, then you should start holding your stomach and making strange positions, that should make you more comfortable. Truth is, every girl go through this.. and this is the time in go you become stronger!
you can try to eat more but not to much and as far as the length pains are concerned there is a great product on the souk called Midol it works wonders if you are a youngster which i suspect you are use the purple box it works for 7 hrs about so through just about the whole academy day hope this help it does for me so good luck! Your period will last as long as it will I'm afraid. However, as for the twinge it is important to know it is the clots ratification that cause the most affliction. Light exercise - a gentle stride for example, lower back rub, crouching down next to your legs apart will all aid the process. It is important to permit gravity help you - sitting bunched up repeatedly makes the problem worse or travel on for longer. Drink more - warm fairly than hot or cold drinks are best. Lots of women find yoga all month round help too. A hot water bottle on your lower tummy when you sit down is comforting.

Working on your weight to echelon ratio may or may not help your period long term but it is celebrated to aim for a healthy harmonize.
you need to guzzle a little more and this will comfort, your periods be easier to fiddle with. im surprised you are even having period at your weight.they in general stop after you go underneath 7st...its like abuse ur body..I genrally take paracetamol and purely ride it out..Ibuprofen is the best one, dont bother with that Anadin crap or anything that mixes paracetamol next to caffeine becuase this is very impossible for ur liver, they have basically discovered, and they have nonetheless to withdraw the tablets but they will do soon, basis its like drinking in the region of 10 pints. And at urb weight, im not sure ur body could pedal the toxicity of it and u could do ur liver some real spoil, cause ur body will be really shabby anyway from being so trim. For u to keep have periods u have need of 10-15% body fat, so u must enjoy that percentage, which means that ur body have burnt the muscle tissue past its sell-by date 1st (as normally happens) departure you witha flabby yet limited and weak body..muscle tissue burns calories too, so you really are not helping urself by self so thin. Hope that help.
Ignoring your periods for a minute - that's an unwell weight, take home sure you are eating healthily and getting adjectives the right stuff!!

Ok, so periods.
Things that can oblige: Ibuprofen, hot water bottles, kind exercise, chocolate!!

When I started my periods they be *awful*! I saw a nurse and she prescribed some tablets for me which were amazing. It be called Mefenamic Acid
Now a few years down the dash, I don't get discouraging pain and I dont rob the tablets anymore.

Using tampons can reduce the affliction, because the blood is collected inside you - so you dont feel it dripping down etc.

As for the length - I dont meditate there's any cure for that!
Periods are crap and an unecessarily grubby way to tolerate you know you're not pregnant. I've had them since I be 10, they only procure worse. .

If possible to avoid the joy of the spell pain, avoid caffeine and chocolate 2 wks beforehand and it make a significant difference, eat more fresh food and dampen.
i would say cut bk on saline and u can take up 2 600 mils of ibuprofen

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