I know a couple of culture give me answers to my request for information but i'm worried what if its very soon pregnancy?
frequent bloating
fragile to smell
usually my periods are irregular but my boobs enjoy been bad and on sore and tender
plus i'm tired as hell every day
lying on that i have horrible insomnia
i be sleepy but can't dance to sleep
Answers: See a doctor!
Or take a pregnancy check if you think you are pregnant.
And you CAN still menstruate while mortal pregnant.
If you're still having your term, you're not pregnant. It could just be something your intake, or stress. Why don;t you see a doctor? No one on here is going to know if you're pregnant or not...
these could be symptoms for any number of things...
go to the doctor! It's really nought at youre just haveing gas . but If youre concered only get a home prego exam and find out.
You can still have your cycle if you are pregnant. I have mine the first three months of my pregnancy. Simple blood work is the best answer.