Plan B Question..In my pave the way I kept thinking it should of be fine.. but I am not sure..?

Last week I missed one pill around either Wed or Thursday and made it up inside two days.. then me and my bf have had intercourse on that Saturday.. and I took plan B on Monday... and I took my birth control in good time ever since I missed the pill.. then we did it again on Wednesday... am I at risk of individual pregnant? Does it necessary expect I have to hang around 7 days after making up a pill.. even with Plan B? Do I have need of to take Plan B again? I usually don't miss any birth control pills and thieve it exactly on time beside an alarm.. it is rare for me.. and when I do.. it is lone one pill.. Should I take plan B again? or is it not needed? (I know plan B should't act as a birth control.. but things come about..) I am just curious roughly speaking how Plan B and daily birth control work together..

Answers:    Plan B is exactly impossible to tell apart thing as your regular birth control pills, but surrounded by a double dose so it gives your body an extra-strong shot of "Don't ovulate right presently!!" hormones. *If* you have already ovulated formerly you take Plan B, consequently it will do nothing at adjectives to prevent pregnancy.

You are at risk of being pregnant since you have intercourse so close to the time you skipped your pill. If you ovulated during the time when you were rotten the Pill, then it is possible that you may hold gotten pregnant.

To answer your underlying question here, at hand is no difference between Plan B and the Pill - just dosage size. Plan B will not prevent a fertilized egg from implant and will not cause you to shed an implanted fertilized egg, any more than your regular birth control pill will. It is expendable to take it again, because adjectives it does is PREVENT OVULATION. If you already ovulated, it would be pointless to take it again.

In the adjectives, ALWAYS use a condom for the rest of the week if you skip a pill. Always!!

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