Obsessive or middle-of-the-road?

My husband jokingly calls me OCD lady because I am a short time bit of a neat freak...it's sort of a running joke between us.

I'm starting to verbs that I might be a little too obsessive sometimes though, more give or take a few my appearance than the cleanliness of our home.

I had a baby 5 months ago and own struggled to lose the last 15 pounds. About a week ago I had a bit of a stomach flu and didn't chomp through much for a couple of days because of it. I lost a couple of pounds and looked better in the mirror. Now, 5 days later I'm still eatings smaller quantity and still have less of an appetite and I've lost a couple more pounds.

Does this appear to anyone else? It's been a trend in my energy since I was 18. I will lose a couple of pounds by mistake and then I efficiently lose a few more because I love the way I look afterwards. Is this normal? Do adjectives women experience this?

I guess the main reason I'm concerned (and I can't believe I'm sharing this beside strangers) is that I was addicted to laxatives from the time I was 18 until I be nearly 20. I was taking 12 tablespoons of m.o.m. a day and drinking dampen by the gallon to ensure it was effective. I am humiliated of this period of my life but I worked rugged to get past it and am proud of where on earth I am now.

I should point out that I am 5'4" and normally give or take a few 128 pounds. I am sitting at about 143 now so I am by no mechanism underweight, though I'm not obese either.

Any thoughts or personal stories would be greatly appreciate. Thank you!

Answers:    I think every woman struggles next to body image issues at some point. I'm a size 2 and I have body emblem issues sometimes. I actually do have OCD, but I've have it under tight control for the past five years. I be diagnosed when I was 13 (I'm 20), perfect timing, right? Not so much. I struggled profoundly back then near a lot of issues, including my body and self concept. Sometimes it still happens--I'll see myself as fat, hideous, whatever. When I feel close to that I try to do some "cognitive restructuring", meaning I replace every negative thought beside a positive thought. Making a list of the things you DO love about yourself is advantageous, even writing positive statements on post-its and putting them on a mirror, the computer, wherever you'll see it the most can really help plentifully.

Don't be embarrassed, you are who you are. Even those of us who have worked firm to overcome difficulties can have slip-ups or can backslide. If you ever feel approaching things are getting to the point where you need to return with help, please, please do so. Nothing is more important than your physical and mental in good health being. I'd hate to regard as where I would be if I had never gotten back. Help could be someone in your life to preserve you in check, or a visit to a consultant, doctor, etc. My best friend also had body image issues, and be diagnosed with anorexia when we were within middle school...she and I both agree to support each other and hang on to each other accountable for human being healthy.

Hope I made some sense and I wish you adjectives the best!

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