Do you hold to...? (HPV, pap)?
Answers: It is very momentous to see a gyno at 18 or earlier if sexually active because cervical diseases and cancer can regularly strike early contrary to normal beliefs something like cancer. HPV is not the only problem tested for in pap smears.
HPV is a sexually transmitted disease..
It's suggested you start going to the gynecologist at the age of 18. It depends on your doctor whether you take a pap or not, but more than likely they probably will. Paps are for more than HPV, they look for abnormal cell (mainly precancerous cells.) You can't get the type of HPV that cause cervical cancer without sexual contact. There is the Gardasil vaccination, which is to back prevent HPV and cervical cancer. Honestly I felt it was to sketchy to get hold of it. My doctor was way to pushy something like it and assumed I wasn't married because of my age. She didn't even listen to my concerns!
This is an article that interviewed a parents of a girl who had really severe side effects:
They are doctors too!.
You can have it lacking sex. A pap don't just test for that though. It oral exam for all kinds of infections and stuff approaching that.