Pain contained by appendix/ovary/LRQ nouns, but not appendicitis or cyst?

For two days ongoing I've had a sharp throbbing that is away in the morning, consequently gradually get worse as the day go on. Rest helps, but I'm a working woman and can't basically sit around all light of day. It's not severe and unbearable as reports of appendicitis read out, so if you suggest that, I'll know you didn't really read the question.

It also can't be an ovarian cyst, as I don't ovulate (patients are commonly prescribed contraceptives that prevent ovulation, which prevents cysts). Although, my mom did get a cyst when she wasn't on BC.

The outlandish thing roughly this pain is that it started surrounded by the back, sorta where on earth the kidney is, but now it's more so within the front (and still a little surrounded by the back). It feels close to there's a knife going through my belly and out the back, around the nouns of my appendix and right ovary. It's not tender, not even rebound discomfort... It's deep, sharp affliction.

Anyone else have any accepted wisdom? I don't want to go to a doctor nonetheless, unless someone thinks it could be serious.

Answers:    It sounds similar to you may have kidney stones. I have them a few years ago, and that is exactly what I go through.

You should go to your doctor. They are the with the sole purpose ones that can determine exactly what is going on. In my experience, the pain single gets worse as the stones travel (if i.e. what you have). Plus, kidney and or bladder infections are fairly adjectives with kidney stones. You don't want everything to bring back worse.

Don't suffer. Deep sharp pain is nought to play around with!
If it's extremely fruitless pain you have need of to go to the doctor asap. You could hold a ruptured appendix or something as small as a pulled muscle regardless you need to be see. It sounds like a kidney stone or kidney infection. Either means of access, with sharp thoughtful pain, you stipulation to make an appointment to see your doctor. If it get to be severe pain, or is accompany with a lofty fever or vomiting, consequently you need to obtain emergency medical help.
Just because you're on birth control does not guarantee that you won't ovulate. A small percentage of women still ovulate, some every month.

Birth control pills are used surrounded by the prevention of ovarian cysts, but they do not guarantee you will not get them. I've be on the pill for 5 years and I just have a cyst a few months ago.

Regardless, your symptoms don't sound exactly close to ovarian cysts. I'd see your general practioner rapidly to rule out appendicitis and other causes. You don't want to loaf for your appendix to burst, as that can be deadly.
Definitely see the doctor just about this. It sounds closest to a kidney stone, but ongoing pain within the abdominal area is NOTHING to mess around beside. Get thee to a doctor!

And just because it isn't as severe as appendicitis is reported to be doesn't indicate it isn't that (and I swear, I read the whole thing). A couple years ago, my brother have a stomachache and a low-grade fever. We be visiting loved ones and about to return home, so we didn't try to grasp medical help. Besides, it seem like food poisoning or a stomach virus or something else that wasn't of grave concern. And we did ask him if he required to go to a doctor, but he said it wasn't that fruitless. Three days and a plane ride later, he finally saw a doctor, who said it be probably his appendix and sent him to a hospital. Hours of testing subsequent, it was finally confirmed and he go for surgery. Turns out, the reason it didn't fit the usual symptoms (and took numerous tests) be because the appendix had ruptured surrounded by an unusual way: instead of rupturing 'above' the infected segment (releasing the bacteria into the system and cause the recognizable symptoms and lofty fever), it ruptured 'below' that part, keeping the germs more or less contained. (The surgeon wrote a serious newspaper about it.) We be told that, if you *had* to have your appendix rupture, this be the way to do it. But if he have continued to ignore it, it would hold caused serious problems. So please, at lowest possible give your doctor a call upon and find out if *he* thinks it might be serious.
I've be on birth control for 5 years and I was merely diagnosed with ovarian cysts so it CAN appear. Go to the doctor and get checked out. Maybe you did enjoy a cyst and it burst.

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