Steam coming out of the vagina??

So my roommate has this issue. She be taking out her tampon and thick steam be coming out of it (aka, vagina) and continued until she put her other tampon in. Is this usual? Why did it do that?

Answers:    Steam or Stream?

The only entry that I can think of, is that your bathroom is pretty cold inside. The heat of her body fluids is significantly higher than the room nouns in your apartment, thus creating steam when it hits the cold nouns.
thats really, really weird to be precise really not normal and my stong proposal is to see a doctor streight away, ive never hear such thing could take place!!
Steam?? I highly doubt that. It be probably something else because that is patently not supposed to happen. And I don't feel it can either. Tell her to progress to the doctor and get herself checked out. sounds similar to a yeast infection - go to the obgyn for the treatment
Well, if you ever call for a fog machine. be she a red-head?
was she outside contained by the cold? Evil spirits are coming out of her vagina.
I could make that come about to Freaky One...

Because she's so "steamy hot," bay bah! Woo Yaw!
It happen to my room mate a few times, but she had rotten crotch. is she on drugs?

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