Migraine during menstruation?

I cant cope with these migraines any more, can any one suggest what i can do to stop them coming something like altogether or even to ease them. Please back!!

Answers:    I tried tablets, acupuncture; bone softening treatment (I thought is was from my jaw) Stopped intake chocolate, cheese. Nothing worked.

All I can say is I sympathise beside you. Try keeping relaxed and quiet and thieve Anadin for period backache. It may help the headache. Ordinary Paracetamol works as okay on headaches.

I hope you have a feeling better soon.
I feel your cramp. At first I would take an Excedrin Migrane and try to lay down contained by a dark nouns, and place a cool washcloth on the portion of my head that be in agony. But this never worked, so I went to my doc and he prescribed me some Vicodin. I tried Maximalt first (it's supposed to help out with migranes) but it in reality made them worse, so your doc may try different meds out with you. I'm sorry for your situation. Have you thought something like going on Yaz? That helped some next to me. Good luck! Have you tried Migraleve or spoken with the doctor. Migraleve and stuff resembling it can stop the migraine before it take a proper hold.
Good luck
Try seasonale, or some other birth control that limits your period to four a year. These pills curb the effects of a "normal" period.

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