What type of birth control wont build me gain counterweight,brake out or offer me any form risks?which one do you use

besides a condom what can i use?..my sister was on b control pill but get off it because she gain like 10-15 lbs..my aunt took the shot and get pregnant anyways.she use to have flawless skin but after taking it presently she broke out in acne and very soon she still has pimples!!

Answers:    Everyone is matchless. You might try the diaphragram, but first I would talk to a doctor and try a pill because the diaphragam is not as effectual and can cause yeast infections. There are oodles different kinds and everyone react differently to them. My mom and a first cousin of mine cannot tolerate any form of pill, but I am on the minipill and have pratically no side effects outside of an irregular cycle (which is extremely adjectives on progesterone only pills). You might enjoy to try two or three kinds, but you may know how to find one that works for you.
Every woman is different. It would be best to talk to your doctor going on for your concerns. I personally did not gain immensity with the pill, and your Dr. can back you find one with the right level of hormones. Good luck! I use an IUD without horomones. but you own to have a child within order to hold an IUD. Try that new pill lowestrin24 or something approaching that. All else fails try a diaphram.
you call for to use trial and error method on ths one as each contraceotive affects respectively woman so differently
i have Implanaon slip which goes contained by your arm for 3yrs.
it made me lose weight and i looked great i never have a period and i loved it.
after, 2 years down the line, my freight ballooned to three dress sizes bigger, and my periods come back gummy and fast. i simply didnt understand.

i come off that and go on the pill cant remeber what it was call, but that made me retain water round my belly and my ankles n stuff
i stopped taking that.

but 3 of my friends have the implant after me, when they saw me lose immensity, one of them put on weight str8 away and one stayed exactly like, but has have 50day periods, shes comin sour that next month xxx

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