Could it be risky to bear a laxative twice a week?

I joined bulk watchers about 4 months ago, and enjoy dropped over 20 pounds. I eat super fighting fit, at least five servings of veggies and fruit a afternoon. I also exercise everyday. My main problem is that I don't own a bowel movement but maybe once a week! I really don't go and get constipated either. I tried fiber pills, but they of late do weird things to me. The simply thing that really works is ex-lax. Is it too much to do it twice a week thou? Is here a more safe solution?

Answers:    I prefer Activia. Laxatives can be rock-hard on your digestive system, especially if you use them a lot. Activia is a yogurt, it taste just approaching regular yogurt, and it is sold in the dairy partition at the grocery store. It keeps my bm's regular and it isn't frozen on your digestive system.
It seem you hold a very slow motabolism. Are are your vegetables cooked. Try to include more untouched vegetables - salads. You shouldn't even need any other.

You probably don't munch through that much to need a bowel movement that regularly.
I really dont think that it would hurt you! It really isn't that different than that ALLI stuff that's out within. You know that all it does is manufacture you go to the bathroom and POOP out adjectives the fat! I know that's not why you wanna purloin ex-lax but that's the basic jist of it adjectives though! Nope I dont think that it would hurt you! Good LUCK You obligation to talk beside a Dr. I would not take it that commonly.
go and see your g.p. for proposal,it is the safest way.right luck. good for you to try and loose mass. Laxatives are such dangerous medication and it really really upsets me that they are so readily available from chemists. I myself took them for give or take a few a year, overdosing at least once or twice a week. My body amazingly quickly become addicted to them and could no longer function on its own without them. Laxatives DO NOT comfort you to lose weight because they work on the bowels and once food have reached that point adjectives the calories have be removed. What they do do is dehydrate your system removing all the important salts and electrolytes approaching potassium that regulates your heart function. You can also risk losing your whole bowel if you verbs taking so many laxatives. This be the reason I in fact stopped. I saw an Oprah show with a girl who have completely lost her bowel and had suffered oodles many hours of excrutiating surgery because of OD'ing on laxatives.

There is really no solution to your problem except to grant up the laxatives. There are two ways, cutting down slowly or freshly giving up totally. If you are sensible you will choose one of these options and remember whichever you do we are adjectives here to support you through the difficult times. I KNOW it won't be easy, it wasn't for me, it took my body comparatively a while to re-adjust and train itself to work without laxatives again. Try intake a lot of bran rich foods, fruit, vegetables and low fat/high fibre cereal for example to try to regulate yourself again.

Good good luck beside it all.
The female who gave the long answer is beyond doubt right. Eat right. Stop taking chemicals. You should not need them. When you don't "potty" for a while, do you procure a dull sensation in your upper colon, implicit the navel? Does it ache a bit? That might penny-pinching that there's poop in in that that wants to move south but it is getting stuck. Everyone know that prunes will work, although the result may be an urgent need to release when you don't want that premonition, or flatulence and embarrassing sounds (Not other enjoyable when you must use a public restroom).
If you return with no pains in the lower tract, and you are drinking the kinds of things that induce flawless pooping, perhaps you really don't enjoy a problem at all. Maybe you are one of those strangely-designed those who only obligation to evacuate once every several days.
But by all resources, stop those harsh chemicals close to Ex-Lax.
God bless you dear.
You will need to put away more fibers. Try to have unprocessed vegetables and cereals. Drink lots of river.
My mother in canon is addicted to laxatives. She can't have any bowel movements in need. Still gets constipated sometimes and have to overdose to get it working. Stop taking that stuff please. It is no worthy.

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