Does this affect...?(Girls Answer Only!)?

I'm 12, and I haven't got my spell yet. But frequently I enjoy had cramps, and adjectives that, but I also have be having frequent headache, does me about to start have my first period have to do with have frequent headaches? When will I hold my first period?

Omg pap smear!?

I didn't seize my period until I be thirteen, but I really don't remember ever having impossible headaches similar to that. I wouldn't worry. Everyone is different and everyone will bring back their period at a different time.

Please single girls help!?

not nessicarly, turn see a doc, they could tell you

A ask about sex.?

Well sometimes period can cause you to be irrataded and can produce headaches. You will probably start your time soon, so always be prepared! You can't make clear to exactly when. Usually you get cramps inside 2 weeks before your term starts. Be prepared!! Your headaches may be cause by stress. If they continue to gain worse then see a doctor. I hope this help! Good luck. -Rayna F.

My girlfriend is a month late and still no sign of her spell?

i am in 8th position (13) and i just started on sunday so on saturday i really didnt touch good , i did not own a headache or cramps but i had a slight disorientation for a little while but i started on sunday and on monday i woke up near a bad headache and i enjoy been getting cramps and backache the whole time hope this help

Why would my HCG lower then lift within a week and Im miscarrying?

im not sure something like the headache thing cos i never get that. but you will get it when your equipped. ask your girl cousins when they got theirs cos that seem 2 be accuarate cos theres less age hiatus (just opinion) me and my cousin were matching age (14) but that might be a coincednce once u get your time u will forget why u ever were intrested or excited for it. correct luck! xx

Should I see a doctor about a UTI even if I'm not within pain?

let your body do its entry just dawdle it will come

Why does my self -pride does not bother me ?

yes and who knows

Does MRSA impose infertility?

Well gurl you will never kno the correct day your spell will start on but um...I does sound approaching it is tryin' to come on....and you r 12 so it might be time cause mines come on in da 5th urs might come on real soon but only make sure u own yo pads and stuff wit you a short time ago in covering it come on at school or somewhere you don't want it to come on at.....

Why do I surface that when people see me that single see my chest?

i dont kno bout the head ache. I am almost 12 and i havent gotten mine yet any. It depends when your mom got hers ask and see. If your mom say she got it when she be 14 then youll probably own it when your 14. the normal ages to enjoy it is ages 9- 18. hope this helps!! :)

Is it too bushy?

ur mom got her extent kinda young your at a regular age to get ur length ur symptoms sound similar to u are gonna get it soon but theres really no passageway to tell exactly when,

My menstrual cycle have lasted twice as long this month, and is much heavier than it have ever been , why r?

actually hunny not even a doctor can detail you. i personally started unbelievably late, when i be 16! as oppose to my sister who be 11. Your period is truly genetic and cant be controlld!

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