What are your opinion on the Pro-Life agenda against contraceptives?
Answers: I think it's... not impressively well thought out, to utter the least. Any likely person can see that an increase within the usage contraceptives would significantly decrease abortion. I consider myself to be pro-life, contained by the sense that I belief abortion is, in essence, wrong and should sooner or later be made illegal. But I surmise that day can merely come when we change our attitudes nearly things like contraception, advance our sex-ed programs in school (that is, make them NOT abstinence-only), and, as Americans contained by general, hold healthier, more overt attitudes towards sex. The only route we can REASONABLY expect to see the number of abortions go down is to provide inhabitants with the resources to prevent pregnancy.
Beyond stupid
The same agenda preaches against condom use in Sub-Saharan Africa, where on earth over 3 mil die a year from HIV.
When I want to live under a theocratic police state, I'll move to one of the countries that have one already. In the mean time, they should live their lives as they want, and stay out of mine.
(obscenity omitted. lots of it.)
I contemplate that unless these people are one-sidedly going to finance the woman through pregnancy, lend a hand her raise the child financially or find parents for adjectives the newborns that are clad people, the Pro-Lifers should verbs about the children that are alive NOW in need homes and allow women to take fastidiousness of their personal affairs without governmental interference. They terrify me. They don't seem to apprehend the possibly severe consequences of limiting availability of contraceptives. People won't stop having sex...it's a crude drive...they'll just enjoy more unprotected sex. (I'm not saying that inhabitants SHOULD do that...I'm just one realistic give or take a few it!) Cutting contraceptive availability will NOT decrease premarital sex, teen pregnancies, or STD's. The result will be slightly the opposite. And these are duplicate people who don't want social services to be available for women who enjoy unwanted pregnancies!
It's just another example of the man trying to control a minority... I meditate the people who enjoy religious or moral objections to contraception are entitled not to use it.
I believe that as a group, they should consider it their religious or moral must to take surrounded by *every* unwanted child, too, so that no orphans linger within foster care. If energy is sacred and begin at conception, then they own support to adjectives the kids who do not have parents who want them.
I expect they have no business unfolding me what I can do with my own body, though. That's laughable--and frightening.