Irregular time..inherent remedies?

I am wanting to know if there are any crude remedies for regulating an irregular period ?
...I know I am not pregnant (via blood test) and I know that my irregularness is due to getting past its sell-by date of the Depo-provera shot about 8months ago, but for times past 2 months I have have a 3-4day period followed by 7-9 days of no spell and then the cycle is repeated --hence 4 period in 2 months. I simply want o know if there are any pure suppliments or specific foods that I can take/eat to help regulate my hormones , and and so my period. I do own access to a few health food stores, so any suggestions are make the acquaintance of!!

Answers:    Well try to do a detox it usually help your system is clogged up.cut the amount of sugar intake verbs your colon, or rather clear the colon. The other piece, Lots of fruit and vegetables. Well Woman supplements are excellent. mannnnnnnnnnny thngs u can find on there!! but ive never hear of any but the :pill: A loss of periods is call amenorrhoea, a condition that may result from low levels of guaranteed hormones. According to research or other evidence, the following self-care steps may help grasp your menstrual cycle back on track:

I hope things are regular soon! Take care ...

Sarah Woolley

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