Ok im alarmed my friend might shift anerexic?

well her mom and grandparents other call her curvy and tell her to lose wieght or she wont know how to try out for cheerleading and well she skips meal and when at my house is on my tredmill for 3 hours when we're talking it's crazy because she's other talking just about food ,calories , and that i should lose wieght (which i do=]) and one time i heard her throw up once =[[[[[[[
im terrified she'll be anerexic what should i do?

Answers:    Talk to her about your concerns. It's difficult constantly have your parents criticize your weight (I know from personal experience), and can definately organize to eating disorders. If you infer she starts to get to a point that she is sick, be in motion to your parents, and ask them to help you to relieve her. Your parents might need to sermon to her parents, or even intervene if they're prompting her to lose an unhealthy amount of cargo.
She needs to return with counsiling, IT CAN KILL HER! I suggest you tell someone responsible that you trust (like an elder sister, counselor at school, your mom) something like the situation and tell them exactly adjectives the things you say here, because judge from what you said it seems serious.
It sounds approaching she already is. It doesnt help that her mother and grandparents, who are supposed enjoy UNCONDITIONAL love, call her heavy. However, you should tell her your suspisions, and if she wants help catch her to a counselor. There are plenty of other ways she can SAFELY lose weight.
Hope this help. screw you i dont really care. if youre too stuck up to have an idea that video games like circle of light are for nerds youre retarted. all i want to do is own fun which is why i play video games, for all i nurture youre friend can die.

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