How does a womanly who have be circumcised urinate?

Answers:    Female circumcision removes the labia majora, the clitoris, and parts of the labia minora. The opening to the vagina is sewn shut, disappearing a small opening for menstration.

Urination is from a different gap, and is unaffected. (The vagina and urethra are separate openings).
if you cant urinate you will die. so ya i guess they would own to be able to Through her urethra, same as anyone else. Usually, as horrific as it is, womanly genital mutilation does leave the urethra enlarge.
A circumcised female have her clitoris removed which has zilch to do with her urethra. She should be capable of urinate normally. one and the same way a feminine who hasn't been circumcised urinates.
They can still urinate usually but own much less sexual awareness because of removal of clitoris as far as I know, female circumcision is removal of clitoris, which doesn't affect urination...
Circumsion involves removing the clitoris, which is zilch to do with the Urethra, where on earth you urinate from. So, the same track everybody else does. Sounds absolutely horrific.
Well, generally females do not get circumcised. It is even something to be precise consider cruel and unusual in other countried where on earth its practiced. Urine doesn't even come from the part of the body explicitly circumcised, like a mannish. So it wouldn't affect urination. female circumcision is the adjectives off of the clit, regularly followed by the sowing shut of the vagina...not of the urethra.
Your clitoris (what is circumcized) isn't what you pee from... However, some female's who are circumsized also have their labia's sew shut which can nearly assassinate the poor girl because menstrual blood can't flow through well. Some girls even enjoy the stitches RIPPED open on their wedding ceremony nights! I'm so glad I wasn't born surrounded by that culture... Depending on the severity of the circumcision, she should be able to urinate in recent times like everyone else.

The severity of the procedure ranges from single removing a tiny portion of the hood of the clitoris, to removing the entire clitoris, to removing the clitoris, and inner labia, to removing the inner and outer labia, to completely removing everything inside the outer labia and sewing the outer labia shut (there is a small hole left within these instances for urine and menstrual blood to escape). The more extreme, severe procedures are much, much more rare than removing part of a set to all of the clitoris.
I be wondering that to after watching America's Next Top Model last darkness, But since a women has 3 holes, 2 up front and one surrounded by the back , I run it that when a women get circumcised they merely sew the skin where the vaginal hole (the hole that they use to own sex), which is different from the hole where they pee from You watch America's Next Top Model Last night didn't you! LOL!

Well, when a feminine gets circumcised, they merely cut stale the clitoris and sew the opening to the vagina to prevent her from have sex and associating pleasure with sex and, as expected, to ensure a man that he has a virgin when he marry her.
The opening to her bladder (urethra) is departed untouched. (you do know that we don't urinate through our vagina right?).

They do leave a tiny hole so that her menstrual fluid can make tracks her body as well.
Wow - until today I did not realize that this in actuality took place. Apparently it is a cultural thing and is done so that the woman can no longer surface sexual pleasure. I read that they cut a hole for menstruation and urination, but that sex is completely painful and crude childbearth is nearly impossible. I'm sorry to give an view, but I feel that this is genital mutilation! ...Females don't attain circumcised.
She urinates like a cow. lol j/k

Hey, since when do females win circumcised?
are you mentally disabled??
females cant get circumcised..
do you even know what that way??
females dont have to be circumcised solitary boys need this done Females win circumcised?!

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