Help...what will happend?!?

5 day formerly my wedding hours of daylight I was waithing for my regular PAP try-out results..and I was sure that they will be OK close to till now (and to mention that we be planning pregnancy).but then BOOM...CIN 2..
Whole world collapsed from consequently.
Doctor said that collposcopy promising a lot ( i.e. nothing serious) ..but for any crust ..I just have byopsy (4 days ago) and I'm waiting for results on monday ..
Pls..any information about this will be helpfull for me, to self-possessed down atleast..someone told me that if I get pregnant,after labory CIN can be overcome in need any treatmant ..but..should I get pregnant earlier CIN healing?!!

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CIN II ability you have moderate dysplasia. And *that* routine that you have some pre-cancerous cervical cell. Don't be freaked out by the phrase pre-cancerous... it just channel that if these cells are present, they should be removed since at some point in the adjectives, they could become cancerous.

The colposcopy is just a type of exam where on earth they swab your cervix with acetic bitter (a weak vinegar solution) which turns areas of atypical cells white. Generally if you be pregnant, they might hold off on removing peculiar cells, since you don't want to fool beside a pregnant woman's cervix unless you must. CIN II does generally not travel away on its own, so you should probably pursue some treatment before attempting to become pregnant, as advise by your doctor.

The treatment will be cryotherapy (freezing the bad cells) or LEEP (removing them near an electric wire). The procedures are quick, pretty much painless, and done in your doctor's department rather than a hospital. Neither procedure will interfere next to your ability to conceive, although nearby is some slight increased risk of incompetent cervix.

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I am not a doctor, but I have a similiar scare. They told me I be CIN 2 as well, but it turned out, they be wrong. I was adjectives schedualed for the collp, but they canceled it. However, my best friend got one down shortly after. She is completely fine in a minute though. She was sore for a afternoon or so, but nothing central. That was over 3 years ago and have had nil wrong since, no abnormal paps at adjectives. I have not have any abnormal paps again any, and I just have a baby almost 6 months ago.
I would not worry around it, its just a bump contained by the road, but you have a marriage to worry about/be excited about. Focus on that--everything will be okay.

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