Period Question?

Well I got my first spell on Jan.2 then I get it again Jan.24.Now I got it again today.Is this ordinary, if not could you report me what you think is wrong.

Answers:    your cycle is a moment ago out of wack
are you stressed, or busy, or have you changed your diet?
theres nil wrong, but if it goes on similar to this for the next few months see a doctor.
It's mundane. Periods wil always be irregular for the first 1-3 years, and you hold nothing to verbs about at adjectives. kind of conventional! it might take a few months to procure regular, make sure that your keeping track everytime though.. a conventional cycle is 28days, if it falls within a few days big or low you're fine... good luck and generosity to womanhood
Relax. You're probably just stressed out. Since you basically got your time, your cycle will be irregular for a while. It's nothing to be worried more or less. But if it continues on for a long time, make sure you update your doctor. When your periods first starts, its commonplace for it to be all over the place, it will eventually regulate itself and hopefully should be a once within a 28days period or within about.

give or take a few having an stimulating brk down, speak to your parents about it or ask them to help yourself to u to a counsellor if you don't want to speak to your parents about what's bothering you.
don't verbs - like the ladies above me said, it will probably straighten itself out within time. however, along with keeping track of when you are getting it, be mindful of how your body is premonition. mine was out of whack too when it first started - i be getting it every 10 days! i got unbelievably anemic from the frequency and had to turn on birth control to regulate them. so if you are feeling extra tired and run down or if they do not get hold of on track soon, please go to your doctor - well-mannered luck! youre fine.

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