Enlarged lymph nodes?

One located in the armpit for several months and a current one showed up on the neck nouns recently. Everyone say that means your body is conflict some kind of infection...but what infection?

Answers:    Have you be sick lately? If you have, or own recently be sick, then yes they could be swollen because of that. Now I have mono and my lymph nodes on my neck be swollen. Even when I got over it, my lymph nodes be swollen for about 2-3 months following. Then they went down. Even have the common cold could hold them swell up. If you are completely normal and own been, hope a doctor. Any doctor, tell your parents or if you're aged enough, budge seek a doctor to run get it checked out. I still conjecture if you are questioning it, be in motion get it checked out.
You should desire medical attention. There could be one of several. You need to see your doctor to find out. Now procure going.
Note: Now is the time to get a doctor, You don't mess around beside this.
it could be your body fighting infection, but for several months?? my grannie have several enlarged lymph nodes some for months others not so long, she was diagnosed next to lymphoma CANCER. go to your doctor purely to make sure. if its infection you'll grasp antibiotics, if its worse than you can begin treatments asap. I have one on my neck, it be there for several months in the past I decided to do something something like it because I was afraid it be cancer. It wasn't, my doctor said most of the time lymph nodes do not mean cancer. I have a biopsy and it was a simply a growth from growing... I be 16/17 at the time and apparently it's common, so if you're around that age it's probably zilch to worry around but always check near your doctor if you're unsure. The biopsy wasn't as bad as I thought, I couldn't perceive the needle and it wasn't the smallest bit painful. There are lots of different reason lymph nodes can become enlarged, the only mode to know for sure is going to see someone about it.
The one surrounded by neck at the reverse of my jaw below my ear swells on me but I hold chronic sinus problems. You could have some toxins surrounded by your body that are causing it too.


my brother have this problem along with some serious torment in his body. His doctor mis-diagnosed him near Castleman's disease. We later cultured that he had cancer-lymphoma.

If you're really concerned, dance to a doctor and get it checked out. They usually donate you some medication and it clears up the swelling. Don't worry.

Good luck

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