Really aching sex - plz sustain! im 21 shouldnt perceive resembling this?

ive had 6 previous partner and NEVER had this problem beforehand until i met my current boyfriend of 7 months. i know its not an std as ive been tested since we get together and we have both be faithful.
the problem is that when we enjoy sex i find it REALLY painful, its as if the skin on the outer lower part of a set of the vagina is bruised - or sometimes it feels resembling its been split. we use KY Jelly and this sometimes works.

because of this backache im starting to find it really hard to relax, i will grain really turned on but the moment we try to have sex i taut up and lose the whole aroused consciousness, its as if im associating sex with torment. ive also started to dislike foreplay, i feel approaching when my boyfriend goes down on me its a chore and i other feel awkward, ive told my bf how i consistency and he said he thinks im nutty because he loves giving oral to me, i just wont consent to him.
has anyone experienced this or can anyone let somebody know me how i can sort this out. and its not an issue of lack of desire 4 him

Answers:    You have need of to go and see your Dr hun - in attendance are a lot of different conditions it could be.

Have you have a smear test - or are you due one? Not singular would I go see the Dr, but I would book myself surrounded by for one of them too.

Good luck, and try not worry in the region of it. x
I have talk to women who have this as a symptom of a condition call vulvodynia (pain of the external genital area). This could also be a symptom of something like a cervical infection (example only).

The merely way to know for sure what's going on is to see your doctor for further evaluation of the situation to see what they devise could be going on.
its like reading my natural life lol, i have other had really tight and uncomfortable sex since i go out with my partner of 3 1/2 years i go to see a sex therapist near my boyfriend and she said i had a condition which funds my body tenses up when i have sex and can build it almost impossible.
luckly my boyfriend is amazing and never has pushed me its only started to get better but the switch is to relax and tell him to stop when it get too bad next relax again and carry on it does work but take time.
dont do what i did and try and forget about it because i be so depressed and cried all the time. It could be that your partner is reasonably big and thats why your not used to it

virtuous luck
if nothing improve see your doctor and a sex therapist

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